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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread

NFBuck;787756; said:

They have us taking Thomas in Rd. 1, Kalil in the second and Kenny Irons in the third. If it was to shake out that way, I'd definately prefer taking Pittman in round three as opposed to Irons. They have similar measurables, but Pitt was more productive, especially last season. I still want AP, but if we do go with Thomas in the first, we still need a young RB...hopefully Savage goes with Pitt if he's still there in round 3.

Also, if the rumors concerning the soldja have any substance to them, who else thinks we start considering CJ at #3? Losing Winslow would be a huge blow to the offense. If we could get Johnson to line up opposite Braylon (presuming he can get his act together), that would be a good pairing with Heiden at TE. Just something to think about...

Well, with or without the soldja, I would still give serious consideration to drafting CJ at #3.
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Taking CJ would make the most sense if we don't trade down. I don't think Thomas is a top 3 quality pick. If we get CJ, we either get the best player in the draft catching balls for us next year, or we have the best trade bait in the draft.

I really hope the Browns trade down to teams wanting CJ/AP/Quinn or Russel should they fall.

I would love to see the Browns pick up some extra first day picks and get some quality lineman and defensive backs(as well as a running back) with those rather than trying to hit a homerun with the third pick.

I'd have to think that the Browns are sitting in a good position if they wanted to trade down though. I haven't been following the draft news that much, so I don't know...
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Lerner says that Savage will make call on No. 3 pick
Thursday, March 22, 2007
By Steve Doerschuk
repository sports writer

BEREA Cleveland Browns owner Randy Lerner laughs off speculation his team is leaning toward Brady Quinn - or Adrian Peterson or Joe Thomas - with the No. 3 overall pick of the draft.

"I don't even think the first of the real draft meetings have taken place within our organization," Lerner said Wednesday in a face-to-face interview with The Repository.

Lerner won't be part of the meetings and says General Manager Phil Savage will do the driving.

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Draft outlook remains blurry

Tuesday, March 27, 2007Tony Grossi
Plain Dealer Reporter
Phoenix- Phil Savage arrived at the NFL owners meetings with a list of 16 teams with which he wanted to touch base.
Some of the talk might plant the seed of a trade on draft day. Some involved veteran players.
But apparently none of his intended discussions has to do with quarterbacks - at least, veteran ones looking for new teams.

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Browns haven't called draft play yet

Savage says team won't pick defensive player; only way a QB will be added is if he's drafted

By Patrick McManamon

Beacon Journal sportswriter

Trying to determine General Manager Phil Savage's plans about the Browns' draft plan is as easy as trying to learn the ending of The Sopranos.
It just isn't happening.
But Monday at the NFL's annual spring meetings, Savage did offer three certainties about the Browns' first-round pick, which is the third overall pick in the NFL Draft.
Well... near certainties:
? The Browns won't draft a defensive player third.
? They might trade down, but they will not trade up to the first or second spot.
? If another quarterback is brought in, it will be through the draft and not via trade or free agency.
So rule out Trent Green, forget David Carr and don't think that the Browns gave a lot of thought to acquiring Matt Schaub, who recently was traded from the Atlanta Falcons to the Houston Texans.

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I'd take CJ over BQ in a heartbeat. This team does NOT need a young project QB. Everyone knows it...how can they even consider it? It seems Savage is playing mind games with the fanbase/pub. Can't blame him because of the draft's tricky nature these days, but still...they'd better not add a QB in round 1 or I'd bet half the fans would be PISSED and I don't think it's going to help the team win anytime soon...which is exactly what the organization needs.
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I'm hoping the quarterback talk is just to see if anyone will trade up to get Quinn(since I'm assuming Russel goes first).

I really would like either a trade down or just take Johnson. I don't think Peterson warrants a top three pick, and I'm not sold on any lineman going that high. Johnson is the only pick that makes a lot of sense.
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Cornerback6;796107; said:
I'd take CJ over BQ in a heartbeat. This team does NOT need a young project QB. Everyone knows it...how can they even consider it? It seems Savage is playing mind games with the fanbase/pub. Can't blame him because of the draft's tricky nature these days, but still...they'd better not add a QB in round 1 or I'd bet half the fans would be PISSED and I don't think it's going to help the team win anytime soon...which is exactly what the organization needs.

But the Browns already have 2 overpaid WRs, why add a third? They need an overpaid QB. They haven't had one since Couch left.
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JCOSU86;796176; said:
But the Browns already have 2 overpaid WRs, why add a third? They need an overpaid QB. They haven't had one since Couch left.
I rather overpay the best player (CJ) in the draft, instead of over paying a QB that has shown nothing in 4 years under pressure and against top competiton. I'm all for J Russel, not at all for quinn. Get someone in the free agency or better yet, trade one of the 3 overpaid WRs & a draft pick for a QB
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CJ is just a better choice than Brady IMO. I really would rather choose Thomas or Peterson if either or both of them are available. I don't think there's an excuse to take Quinn (other than worsening our chances of winning) and CJ isn't the answer to our offensive woes like the line will be.

I do hope we're blowing smoke like some have mentioned and get some bonus picks to trade down. Quinn can be somebody else's bust.
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Cornerback6;796455; said:
I do hope we're blowing smoke like some have mentioned and get some bonus picks to trade down. Quinn can be somebody else's bust.

I am in the same camp as you about Brady. He's not going to help the Browns. As I said up-thread, I am hopefully optimistic, but still scarred from recent drafts.

I read what Phil Savage has said, and had 2 thoughts: 1) He is telling everyone what he is doing, thus ruining any strategic usage of having the 3rd pick, which would go against his reputation of dominating on draft day, and 2) He is smoke & mirrors because he doesn't know what he is going to do, as all of the options won't present themselves until the Browns are on the clock. I choose 2. Whatever Savage decides, I am on his side for sure.
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Browns haven't called draft play yet

Savage says team won't pick defensive player; only way a QB will be added is if he's drafted

By Patrick McManamon

Beacon Journal sportswriter

Trying to determine General Manager Phil Savage's plans about the Browns' draft plan is as easy as trying to learn the ending of The Sopranos.
It just isn't happening.
But Monday at the NFL's annual spring meetings, Savage did offer three certainties about the Browns' first-round pick, which is the third overall pick in the NFL Draft.
Well... near certainties:

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