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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread

TheStoicPaisano;787082; said:
So now that the Soldja is likely done for the season, I wonder if this affects any draft plans.

I personally like Thomas at three, value be damned. Taking a QB is putting the cart before the horse like they've done since the return.
Heiden is a better blocking TE and not a bad option as a receiver either. I don't think this affects the draft this year, and especially not the first day.

I still like taking AP or Calvin Johnson. If Staley is there in the second round, then I think that he has just as much, if not more, upside than Thomas. And we can sign him for second round money.
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TheStoicPaisano;787082; said:
So now that the Soldja is likely done for the season, I wonder if this affects any draft plans.

I personally like Thomas at three, value be damned. Taking a QB is putting the cart before the horse like they've done since the return.

I don't know if there is any truth to that. I'm hoping it is just a rumor.
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Buckin' A;787097; said:
I don't know if there is any truth to that. I'm hoping it is just a rumor.
I don't believe it at all. The source of the rumor is Pro Football Talk not exactly the most reliable source out there. Besides Winslow played with the injury damn near the whole season. I seriously doubt that it got so much worse that it would cost him the season with the surgery. Probably just more smokescreen by the Brownies for the draft. Until a more reliable source comes about I won't believe it even for a second. GO BROWNIES!!!
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The Winslow surgery is the same surgery that Mike D'Andrea had on his knee, and now will likely never play football again. Winslow's case may not turn out the way that D'Andrea's did, but the fear that it will is very real.
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IronBuckI;787226; said:
The Winslow surgery is the same surgery that Mike D'Andrea had on his knee, and now will likely never play football again. Winslow's case may not turn out the way that D'Andrea's did, but the fear that it will is very real.

Are we talking about his microfracture surgery again?? If so this was already discussed and as mentioned before it was not that serious of a surgery for him. It was only done to help get rid of some of the pain in his knee and that he is expected back in the summer. So unless he gets a staph infection again I expect him back. Of course if we are talking about the microfracture surgery that is.
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Buckin' A;787287; said:
It doesn't really matter...

Come to training camp healthy= get hurt.

Come to training camp hurt= stay hurt.
Your right. I just don't want our brownies wasting their 2nd rounder on a guy who is not healthy from the get go and ready to contribute, that's all. I still would love to see us take Calvin Johnson. I know we have more pressing needs but he is the unquestionable best player in the draft and he would be our best wide-reciever. Just think we could actually have a WR that didn't drop every pass that hits his hands. EX: Dropcutt and Braylon. I know, I know here come the Braylon defenders. :tongue2:
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They have us taking Thomas in Rd. 1, Kalil in the second and Kenny Irons in the third. If it was to shake out that way, I'd definately prefer taking Pittman in round three as opposed to Irons. They have similar measurables, but Pitt was more productive, especially last season. I still want AP, but if we do go with Thomas in the first, we still need a young RB...hopefully Savage goes with Pitt if he's still there in round 3.

Also, if the rumors concerning the soldja have any substance to them, who else thinks we start considering CJ at #3? Losing Winslow would be a huge blow to the offense. If we could get Johnson to line up opposite Braylon (presuming he can get his act together), that would be a good pairing with Heiden at TE. Just something to think about...
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