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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread

king rhabuf;774788; said:
i really hope phil isn't passing on peterson with lewis. as much as i fellate quinn, any young qb is going to get murdered on our team. the only two picks we should be making at #3 are either peterson or thomas.​
For once, I agree with you. I just got news of the signing and immediately became sick to my stomach. Then a sense of slight relief washed over me when I saw it was just a one year deal. I've really warmed to the idea of drafting AP the last few weeks and honestly feel he could be a game-breaking RB that you can build an offense around. Barring an offer that can't be refused to trade down and stockpile additional picks, I hope we don't go elsewhere at #3, because I will immediately have visions of the 2001 debacle all over again. Pairing AP with Lewis for a year could be a shot in the arm for this pathetic offense.
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Browns obligated to pick franchise QB?
Thursday, March 8, 2007
By Steve Doerschuk
repository sports writer

QB or not QB? Based on conversations within and around the Browns, that's hardly the question.

The team is willing to spend a 2007 first-round draft pick on a quarterback.

The $50 million question: Is Brady Quinn's talent seen as nearly peerless, or is he a promising project too close to the Kyle Boller line? The answer is a secret Phil Savage will hold from now until April 28.

Predraft thinking goes like this: LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell's incredible body gets snatched by the Raiders at No. 1 overall. If the Lions pass on Quinn at No. 2, and the Browns come down on the "nearly peerless side," they grab him.

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NFBuck;774808; said:
For once, I agree with you. I just got news of the signing and immediately became sick to my stomach. Then a sense of slight relief washed over me when I saw it was just a one year deal. I've really warmed to the idea of drafting AP the last few weeks and honestly feel he could be a game-breaking RB that you can build an offense around. Barring an offer that can't be refused to trade down and stockpile additional picks, I hope we don't go elsewhere at #3, because I will immediately have visions of the 2001 debacle all over again. Pairing AP with Lewis for a year could be a shot in the arm for this pathetic offense.

I agree that a 1 year deal hardly stops them from drafting AP. Besides, you need 2 backs in this league. Look at KC for goodness sake. Who would have thought they needed anyone behind Priest a couple of years ago, but LJ sure looks like a great pick now.
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king rhabuf;774788; said:
i really hope phil isn't passing on peterson with lewis. as much as i fellate quinn, any young qb is going to get murdered on our team. the only two picks we should be making at #3 are either peterson or thomas.

Holy shit, I think this is the most sensible thing you have said here, ever. Nice to see you are finally realizing the BQ is just someone for you to jerk-off to.
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jimotis4heisman;774746; said:
why the quinn hate?

hes a local boy. hes a browns fan. notre dame haterade? you can question a lot of things, though i dont think you can question his desire to win. how many guys had their knees drained twice at halftime and didnt miss a snap? his injury was more serious than many know and thats the draft slide. though it should be nothing long term. savage and weiss have connections. if this is the best choice it will be known by those two. say what you want but those two worked together in ne and im sure will be brutually honest with each other.

though i really think the browns are 7 players from being a serious team. entertaining a draft day offer with a team in "love" may be the best option. who knows.

[end rant of non browns fan]

When did Phil ever work for NE? He started with the Browns then went to Baltimore. Romeo has connections with Weis but Romeo is not going to have nearly as much say as Phil will when the Browns select number three overall.
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NFBuck;774808; said:
For once, I agree with you. I just got news of the signing and immediately became sick to my stomach. Then a sense of slight relief washed over me when I saw it was just a one year deal. I've really warmed to the idea of drafting AP the last few weeks and honestly feel he could be a game-breaking RB that you can build an offense around. Barring an offer that can't be refused to trade down and stockpile additional picks, I hope we don't go elsewhere at #3, because I will immediately have visions of the 2001 debacle all over again. Pairing AP with Lewis for a year could be a shot in the arm for this pathetic offense.

yeah at least its just a one year thing. im guessing droughns will probably be cut. lewis/peterson is a good combo, but I will definitely have to get used to rooting for jamal fucking lewis.

Big Papa;775086; said:
Holy shit, I think this is the most sensible thing you have said here, ever. Nice to see you are finally realizing the BQ is just someone for you to jerk-off to.

quinns going to be a great qb. you can quote me on this.
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Big Papa;777176; said:
I like this mock, especially since it does not have the Browns taking BQ and getting the guy I want.


this will change very soon. Does having Droughns and signing Lewis sound like Adrian Peterson to me? No. But signing Lewis to a one year deal and releasing Droughns before his roster bonus is due sure does.

well, droughns was just traded to the giants for some mediocre wr. i wonder if that spells adrian peterson?
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