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Observations from C Deck (Miami of Ohio, 2005)

crazybuckfan40 said:
-They were keeping guys off the backers for them to make plays. That is what we ask fro out of them.

That's fine for the running game, and I thought in general they played well against the run despite getting gashed a couple times. I'm talking about the pass rush, which is why I didn't include Pitcock and Green when talking about the problems I saw today up front. No pass rush from the front four was a problem all last year. I didn't see much improvement today.

If the front four isn't going to get it done I like the fact Heacock isn't afraid to send people. I like the fact Carp is lining up at DE. Kudla played well. Blitzing is not a bad thing, I just wish one of the young DEs would step up. Where are you Will Smith?

I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, I'm not. Today's game couldn't have gone much better. The team didn't leave us with much to be critical of today. :biggrin:
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BuckNutty said:
That's fine for the running game, and I thought in general they played well against the run despite getting gashed a couple times. I'm talking about the pass rush, which is why I didn't include Pitcock and Green when talking about the problems I saw today up front. No pass rush from the front four was a problem all last year. I didn't see much improvement today.

If the front four isn't going to get it done I like the fact Heacock isn't afraid to send people. I like the fact Carp is lining up at DE. Kudla played well. Blitzing is not a bad thing, I just wish one of the young DEs would step up. Where are you Will Smith?

I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, I'm not. Today's game couldn't have gone much better. The team didn't leave us with much to be critical of today. :biggrin:

Yeah there was not much to be critical of. I did see at times that they werent always rushing all four, and sometimes they were rushing more than 4. I guess I just like the fact that the defense as a whole was putting pressure on the qb.
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Def said:
Agreed, but I still think a 100% sharp Ginn busts into the endzone on that screen instead of getting dragged down at the 5.

I think you're being a little harsh. From my viewpoint, that chump who dragged him down (and he did so barely w/one fistfull of Ginn's jersey, by the way) had the angle on him--I don't think it was about lack of speed.
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Here's my novice opinion on what I saw.

Looked good. Linebackers are what they are billed to be. Secondary was fantastic as well.

The D Line played alright. Not a lot of pressure from themselves but they did clog the lanes and hold blocks that enabled the backers to get in there. I think the D Line is going to be OK, not the line of 02-03 but alright. Which is all we need them to be.

Scheme looked great. Distribution was good. Running game was what we need it to be.

Zwick had the bad pass that was intercepted in the endzone. To me that is his problem. I don't know if he'll ever shake that. He's always going to throw ints because he seems to force things. Especially to Holmes. All in all Zwick had a great game. But right now, I'm not sure he's the guy to lead us to the promise land. I could be wrong.

Ginn had a good game. Miami had obviously spent a lot of time on what to do when he got the ball. The one thing I thought Ginn was doing wrong was trying to do to much. He's going to have to learn that teams are going to ready for him so all his jitter bug cut backs might not work as well as they did last season when he was taking team by surprise. One accasion he cut toward the center of the field and got stopped about a yard short of the 1st when all he had to do was keep legging it to the left side of the field and he would have had the 1st by about 5 to 6 yards. All in all a good game for Ginn.

Special Teams:
Excellent. Huston did all he was asked. The coverage was good. Only problem was the second team guy (Jenkins?) fumbling.

This team looked complete today. They didn't overlook Miami like all the experts thought might happen. They were ready and took care of business. My concern now is the QB situation. There are arguments on boths sides. Zwick did well but the offense seemed to respond better to Smith last year. Plus Smiths added dimension could take this offense to a level we've never seen before. I just don't want a 2 QB situation. Smith or Zwick needs to be the guy. Cooper tried the 2 QB crap and it never got him anything and it wont get us anything this year.
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I'm torn on the DL thing. On one hand they definitly controlled the LOS and got a lot of push which,imo, freed up a lot of those blitzes.

On the other hand if you take the 5 sacks and lost yards out Miami got 92 yards on 25 carries. Thats 3.68 ypc which isn't terrible but its not great either.

As far as TG goes, my feeling is that we all think he was pressing and was clearly having a bad day. Then I go look at the stat sheet and he was our leading reciever. Moral of the story is if thats a bad day at the office for TG, I'll take it. They still have to single cover Holmes and or Gonzo and as we see thats a bad situation to be in.

We had 4 different players catch at least 5 passes each for 211 yards and 2 TD's. Mix that with a 100 yard rusher and its a model of what you want to do offensively to keep a D off balance.

The return game wasn't anywhere near where it should have been. Just a stellar effort by Miami or something to be concerned about? They've earned the benefit of the doubt but we need that component of the attack to be huge, not mediocre.

JZ ran 5 times for 25 yards and all I kept thinking was what Troy could have done in that situation. IMO there is no controversy, we have a very good and very experienced back up QB.

Noting I saw from this game has changed my mind one bit however....we are going to fucking kill Texas.
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nice post, the return game can be contributed to the shitty punting by miami, ginn didnt have alot of room to work with because the punter barely outkicked the coverage, he would get the ball and already be in a bad situation, when last year he could get alot of steam and take it the distance.

also on the rushing stats, dont forget our 1st string defense didnt play almost all of the 4th quarter.
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Well today's performance was definitely respectable.Few mistakes,solid running game and spread offense. Love it! And of course the defense was relentless up until the last six minutes but Tressel is definitely geared towards getting the second string their reps in a real-game situation.One question,where was Eric Haw?Did his legal situation earn him time on the bench? Confident that next week is well in hand.:osu:
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