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Observations from C Deck (Miami of Ohio, 2005)

From my seats, here's what I thought...

It was such a great feeling to see the offense not go 3'n'out to start the game. That feeling got even better as they marched down the field. It was apparent from that very first drive that we could move the ball at will against Miami.

Holmes was unguardable. They tried doubling him, but it was no use. I remember clearly on one play watching the safety roll over and Santonio burned the double like nothing, making the catch. The only times he had trouble was when there was miscommunication between him and Zwick. I know Miami's DBs aren't on the level of Texas, etc, but he made them look BAD. They're lucky he only had 5 catches for 75 yards - it could've been Marshall 2004 all over again.

I commented to a friend that it looked like AJ "took the game off." He was playing solid, but I didn't think he was in on very many plays. I didn't realize until afterwards that he had 10 tackles, while only playing 2.5 quarters. Unbelievable. Sorry, AJ, please forgive me!

Bobby, on the other side, was amazing. I don't think he was blocked once (except being held) going into the backfield. If he wanted to hit Betts, he did, and they couldn't stop it. In today's paper he was quoted as saying 'I felt kinda sorry for Betts. He took alot of hard hits today.' (not his exact words). I saw him line up at all 3 LB positions, TE, DE, DT (once), and almost as the "dime back" in coverage. I think clarity made the comment in another thread, but scouts must be drooling all over his size and versatility. He can do it all. In one series late in the game, he took the field and played the first down, then someone came in for him as soon as that play ended. I have a feeling he snuck onto the field and Tress caught him. :biggrin:

Ginn was trying to do too much. As the season goes on, I'm sure he'll get settled back in and let his unbelievable skills take control.

Jenkins and L. Wilson really stood out to me.

I was very suprised to see Laurinitis and Robiskie on the field. But I won't complain, it's great that they're progressing so fast and exceeding expectations.

How tough must it be on the QB when Rehring, Boone, and Barton are in at the same time. Kinda blocks your field of vision, but I'm sure he appreciates the protection.

Zwick. Option. He froze the LB badly. Pleasantly surprising mobility for JZ.
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R0CK3TM4NN said:
We, and I think everyone else were yelling "Huuuuuuuuu...". Though Mike Trico didn't pick up on that apparently. Also John Huston and Ryan Robinson were playing today....

Although that makes much more sense, I heard Nuge from many in my section. Apparently they didn't get the memo! :)
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