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Observations from C Deck (Miami of Ohio, 2005)

I thought Boeckman looked very good, and thew a much better ball than Zwick, but I think Smith should get the nod, its just scary to think of the Spread with him in their, it adds even another dimesion to the O.... BTW who else loves to see Notre Dame over Pitt BIG after Mark May said on Gameday that he expected them to be either 0-6 or 1-5 after their first 6 games. Herbie argued sayin he thought 4-2.. Looks like ol' Herbie was right
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1) The punting will be just fine this season. Of the 3(in warmups), Trapasso was clearly the best. He was booting them high and long. We should be just fine, there.

2) Hustons kicks were very good today. One was short, maybe the 10, but 3 or 4 went well into the end zone, and the other returnables were so high that they were stopped short of the 20. We'll just have to see how he performs under pressure next week. He passed the first step. If you were at the game it was funny how the crowd yelled "Nuge" every time he tried a fg or extra point.

3) The running game seemed nothing special in the first half. Not sure if that's on the rb or the ol. We seemed to pick it up in the second half as Miami got worn down. 7ypc is pretty darned good for Pittman.

4) Zwick ran well and threw decently except for the pic and the other ball he threw that should have been picked. The first drive was just about perfect. He did enough to at least warrant the start against UT, but I'd expect he'll be fcing much more pressure next week,. We'll see how that goes.

5) I didn't notice much from Everett. Does anyone have any info on that? I wonder how he played.

6) Boeckman was ok. He made a nice move to step up in the pocket on the td to Ginn, even though the ball was underthrown. Perhaps that was because he didn't seem to get set on the throw. His other throw to Ginn, should have been a td. Ginn had his man beaten, but the ball again was underthrown, allowing the db to knock the ball away at the last minute.

7) The thing to remember is that Miami is a damn good team. Most people are picking them to go to the MAC championship again. CFN predicts them to lose only one other game besides the OSU game. Betts was 13th in the nation last year in total offense. They had 18 returniing starters from last year. Our defense just beat the hell out of them all day long, until the letup by the 2nd team in the 4th quarter. Betts was made to look like a stiff all day long. I'm pretty sure they were still under 200 total yards with 10 minutes left in the game. The garbage stats are useless. He was made to look like a big stiff.

No one predicted OSU to beat them so handily, myself included. After all the close games we've had the last few years, it was nice to shove it down their throats early and never look back. Props to the team for not looking ahead to UT, or at least playing like it was.

Overall, a pretty good start to the season with a convincing win over a dangerous opponent.
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scarletngrey77 said:
Yeah, Eric Haw didnt see anytime at all, thats what happens when your in tressel's doghouse.
Yah. I wonder who else will think it's cool to smoke a joint while walking down the sidewalk? Haw is probably done as a Buckeye. If he doesn't move over MoWells soon he'll never see the field. We have the other Wells (well, most likely) coming in next season.

I say Haw transfers.

On a side note, my buddy coaches for Pickerington Central. His team played against Haw and he had to scout Pittman. He said from the time they were being recruited that Pittman was leaps and bounds better than Haw and that Haw was overrated.
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I get a llittle uncomfortable when we start talking about transfers because of a kids performance or lack thereof. Haw is in the dog house and that alone can account for his place on the depth chart.

But even if he doesn't see the field at TB this year there have been many a player who has contributed in other ways - including change of position. Starting or contributing to rumors that one of our own may choose to leave the team crosses a subtle line IMO.

Not targeting you Nate, I have seen this mentioed a couple of times today.
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Brutus1 said:
2)If you were at the game it was funny how the crowd yelled "Nuge" every time he tried a fg or extra point.

We, and I think everyone else were yelling "Huuuuuuuuu...". Though Mike Trico didn't pick up on that apparently. Also John Huston and Ryan Robinson were playing today....
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2 cents

as others have mentioned i was really pleased with lack of penalities on offensive line and no wasting of time outs because the play didnt get called from the sidelines on time. also was it just me or did wells look absolutely tiny out there. it looked like his numbers were almost tucked into his pants.
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scarletngrey77 said:
i disagree about the roy hall comment, he really carried a guy and stretched for a first down.
I saw the play - Roy leaned forward for about a yard and barely made the first down. It was a good effort, but I expect that of any receiver. Ohio State's official website lists Hall at 6' 3", 240 lbs, and many people on this board have suggested switching Roy to tight end - a guy with his size and strength needs to run over a DB now and then, and to drag a defender ten yards down field once in a while. Maybe he'll have a better game against Texas.
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Couple of points

1-Don't throw Haw under the bus just yet. Pittman is clearly #1, but I think Haw will get a chance to show his stuff.

2-Freeman was definitely hurt-he was in sweats on the sidelines hanging out w/ Angelo Chattams!?!

3-It was nice to be able to relax at a game , instead of screaming about inane play calling, a lack of run blocking, and biting nails vs. a MAC team...

4-ABC had a hot ass sideline reporter
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stxbuck said:
Couple of points

1-Don't throw Haw under the bus just yet. Pittman is clearly #1, but I think Haw will get a chance to show his stuff.

2-Freeman was definitely hurt-he was in sweats on the sidelines hanging out w/ Angelo Chattams!?!

3-It was nice to be able to relax at a game , instead of screaming about inane play calling, a lack of run blocking, and biting nails vs. a MAC team...

4-ABC had a hot ass sideline reporter

Man I really hope Freeman is going to be ok. Also I liked the fact that I could relax midway through the game.

By the way her name was sam Ryan.
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Great observations OH8CH!

The thing that I liked the most, and it kind of coincides with every point you made is the fact that OSU expected to dominate. They had a swagger that I haven't seen in a long time. This team knows they are good, and they expect to win. Our D knows they are fast, and disruptive.......they have that cocky swagger that I love! Great game.
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stxbuck said:
Couple of points

1-Don't throw Haw under the bus just yet. Pittman is clearly #1, but I think Haw will get a chance to show his stuff.

I couldn't agree more. This was obviously a doghouse related thing between Tressel and Haw. Now that he has served his time, he'll be right back in the mix.

It has always amazed me how quickly the public opinion can flip in these situations. Haw was the savior for our running game this spring. Remember? Supposedly, Pittman was out of shape, lazy, and unmotivated. Haw was a 4.3 second speed demon with more strength than Hercules (aka Kudla). One game later, we're guessing that Haw will transfer? Geesh. :roll2:

Pittman played like a stud yesterday. He looked fast, strong, and decisive. However, Haw will be in the mix. He and Tressel will get square with serving his punishment and he'll earn playing time. Give the kid a break.
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Long Rambling about everything.

Ok I will start with my observations from the Miami game. I just watched the first half and it was total domination of a good team. We came out and kicked them in the mouth like we should. I was very impressed.

QB - Zwick had a good day. His misses were bad at times. He missed Ginn wide open and Holmes on the two field goal drives. Also when the two drives stalled he threw the ball in front of the first down marker. Got to look down the field more on that. Other than that he had a great day. He showed good command of the offense and was very effiecent. Dare I say he reminds me of Krenzel. I think he earned the start for next week. After that who knows.

RB - Man Pittman Runs like a bull and he is quick. I think we found a good one here. Also the rb's did one hell of a job picking up all the blitzes they tryed to throw at us. Schnitt looked ok for shortyardage, but he is no where close an everydown back. Wells did good when he was in.

WR - Man these guys are all around great. They are awesome blockers run great routes and have good hands. I think we all knew this, but it is ok to be reassured.

TE - Hamby and Smith both blocked well. Hamby ran a nice route and had a good catch on the one ball thrown to either one. I just think we are going away from too much use of a te.

OL - Dominant. They were pushing people off the line and did a hell of a job picking up blitzes. I think Zwick was suprised at times how much time he actually had back there. Only gave up the one sack and Zwick got pressure on his int(busted play). They were really giving Pittman some room to run. I hope they can continue next week. I like how they are rotating.

DL- I know the d-line has been gettin criticized, but man I just watched the first half and there wasnt a single time when Betts dropped back when there wasnt some sort of pressure on him. I know we were blitzing but Kudla seemed to almost get the qb every time. Even on the 3 step drops Pittcock and Green were making a bull rush up the middle and it was causing Betts to have trouble. Pitcock is a freakin' beast inside. I think he is going to give the Texas o-line problems and force VY outside more than he will want.

LB - what can we say we knew what they had and they proved it. Hawk is so fast and strong. I don't know how many one arm tackles I saw but man can he tackle. Carp and Schlegal were real solid.

cb - I thought Everett played a good game, didnt hear his name much which is good for a cb. I just saw him completely wiff on one tackle. Youbouty played a hell of a game. He looked like he was close on about 3 picks. The one play he made where he deflected that pass was awesome. The only bad thing was he needed to break down on Betts the one time and make the sack.

s - Salley layed the wood a couple times. He played solid. Whitner besides for his roughing the kicker I thought was player of the game. He had two sacks and he had the great break on the int for the td. Mitchell also played well when he was in there.

Overall Offense:

Nothing to complain about. They came out did their job and put points on the board. I would just like to see them finish more drives with td's and maybe look down the field more. That is all, we finally got a ballanced off with Pittman in the backfield.

Overall Defense:

They shut down a good offense. Miami of Ohio was no slouch. Betts was one hell of a qb last year and they had him doing things that a junior high qb would do. Overall the play calling was nice. I think Heacock is by far my favorite d-cordinator and he has only called one game. He just seemed to have them in the right position all the time. I think this defense is going to be one of the best all time at tOSU

Oveall thought on the game:

Great team effort overall. Great to see the young guys get some playing time. I love the fact they came out and got after it. I think this team has so much football savy that they just know how to play. It didnt look like a single person was looking ahead to Texas, b/c everyone played great.

Moving on to Texas:

It is going to be a tough game. I really feel we have the edge with the home and night factors and the fact that we played a team that came out and hit us and they played a team that wasn't much of a varsity high school team. Reminds me last year of NC st. when their warmup game was Richmond. I think the D is going to able to contain Young and his running ability. I think how many points Texas can score comes down to how well We can control the los and How well VY is able to throw the ball. I think their will be a lot of disguise showing by our defense next week.

For the offense I think if they just play within themselves and don't try to do to much they are going to be able to make plays and put points on the board.

A Look at the whole picture:

I think if we take one game at a time we can be in Ann Arbor ready for a chance to win that game and go to the Rose bowl. But lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Overall I think this team has all the parts with leadership and talent that this could be one special year. Ok now I am done with my rant.

LET'S GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!! AND BEAT THE HORNS!!!!!!!!!
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I think Haw will get his shot at TB...Schnittker has a defined role, Pittman looked like the starter...Wells showed his quickness, but he didn't look quite like he was ready to be a TB with a major role
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Oh8ch said:
Haven't felt so dumb in a long time. I was on the West side and I kept yelling 'O'.

But at least I was yelling. Where do these lumps come from that just sit there and never react? Do they think this is a giant outdoor TV screen?

No Kidding! I was in the isle at 14AA and all I heard was complaining. I had a Buckeye fan complaining when I wanted to give him a high-five after the Ginn score. I am going to go looney if I have the same type of fans there next week. Fans should be loud!!!! Otherwise it is just a game against a big team in a big stadium.
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