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Observations from C Deck (Miami of Ohio, 2005)

what was HILARIOUS was since Block-O isn't there yet, the stadium Ohio chant was starting in the North endzone, and the South stands seemed like "What?

Haven't felt so dumb in a long time. I was on the West side and I kept yelling 'O'.

But at least I was yelling. Where do these lumps come from that just sit there and never react? Do they think this is a giant outdoor TV screen?
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A few different takes....


Zwick looked calm and composed, threw the ball well, ran well too, and made good decisions, with one glaring exception - the ill-advised interception on an apparently broken play. JZ should have earned the start for next week, at least, but Smith will add another dimension to this offense.

Boeckman is a competent back-up who could be something special in a couple of year. He showed great poise when he stepped up in the pocket and hit Ginn almost in stride for the TD. It's good to know that our number three QB could start on many D-I teams.

Running Back

Definitely an improvement over last year. Despite his size, Pittman is quite effective between the tackles, but he lacks the speed to hit the corner and the moves to be an effective open field runner; his vision is decent, but not great. He reminds me a bit of Pepe Pearson, competent but not special.

Schnittker is strictly a short yardage guy. Wells showed a great burst of speed on the designed cut back near the goal line; otherwise, his carries were strictly mop up duty in garbage time behind the second string line. Get Wells into the open and he should be interesting.


News flash - Ginn and Holmes are great! Gonzalez was okay, with a few catches; they didn't use his speed at all. Roy Hall had 5 grabs for 23 yards - the guy who was supposed to be the next David Boston plays like he is 5' 10", 180 lbs; I have never seen a receiver with such great size go down so easily on first contact. Maybe Lyons and Robiskie should see more action. TE was virtually non-existent in the spread, but Hamby had a nice read and catch as the "hot" receiver on a blitz.

Offensive Line

All in all, the unit played well, but there is still no anchor. Swithcing Sims to guard was the right move, but Datish isn't really a left tackle - he got beat pretty bad on a few speed rushes. Barton also got beat for a sack. In the not too distant future, look for Datish to go back to being the roving replacement, and for Boone or possibly Rehring to be the starting LT. Zwick had plenty of time in the pocket and received little pressure, and the holes were adequate in the running game, especially in the middle of the line. They'll probably need to take their games up a notch against Texas, but it was a good start.

Defensive Line

A big question mark going into the game, and still a big question mark going out. Basically, no pressure on the QB from the line, except once from Kudla who showed LB speed on his sack. Of the other sacks, three (Carpenter, Whitner, and Schlegel) were strictly blitz sacks where the blocking scheme broke down; Hawk's was a coverage sack. More distressing, the line couldn't seem to close down the middle and shut down Miami's inside running game. The low rushing total benefitted from the five sacks. No one stood out on the DL.


During the pre-season, many people picked this bunch to be the best LB corps in the country, and for good reason. Hawk played like an All American, and Carpenter set the tone early with his monster sack. Schlegel was solid and had a sack and TFL, Hoobler looked very good in limited action. No problems here.

Defensive Backs

Except for the roughing call (which should have been a five yarder), Whitner played an outstanding game - a pick, a sack, a TD, and all over the field. Salley had some big hits and broke up a pass, and most importantly played within himself. Youbouty made a near INT on a great play, and was generally around the ball. Everett was pretty much invisible, which is usually a good thing for a CB. Mitchell had some quality time as a nickel back. A team like Miami will complete a few short passes, but the backs kept everything in front of them and did a good job of tackling. Along with the LB's, another real strength of the team.

Special Teams

So far so good. Huston was perfect on 2 short FG and 4 XP; 4 of 7 KO's were in the end zone, and the others were high kicks that were not returned past the 20. Excellent effort for a kid with very big shoes to fill.

Overall Offense

Good rhythm, good poise (only one penalty), balanced attack, aggressive without relying on the big play. I expect that we'll see the offense take some more chances next week (slants to Ginn, flies to Holmes and Gonzalez, some more reverses).

Overall Defense

Very aggressive, much more so than last year. They relied on the blitz, which worked, but the DL needs to step up and provide more pressure. The back 7 (or 8 in the nickel package) is outstanding.


I didn't see anything that makes me think that they will beat Texas, but then again I didn't see anything that makes me think that they can't. SHould be a great game. Bring on the 'Horns!
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i disagree about the roy hall comment, he really carried a guy and stretched for a first down. the line was fine didnt you happen to notice the -5 rushing yards at the half? ill take that.

they couldve gotten a better pass rush, but you have to stop the run before you can stop the pass.

underwood got burned a few times, he needs to get more consistent.
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scarletngrey77 said:
the line was fine didnt you happen to notice the -5 rushing yards at the half? ill take that.

Sacks. The rush lanes lost discipline as the game wore on which is what opened the cutbacks...that was a major issue in the beginnign of last year. It is not something to stress about, but it does need to be fixed.
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Oh8ch said:
Haven't felt so dumb in a long time. I was on the West side and I kept yelling 'O'.

But at least I was yelling. Where do these lumps come from that just sit there and never react? Do they think this is a giant outdoor TV screen?
Hey, I almost fell to my death at the Skull session. Top row seats at St. Johns are treacherous.

Now off to ripping the game to divx so you guys can download it tomorrow!
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Great post LJB.

I will agree with your assessment of the OL, but have to counter that they are still light years ahead of past seasons and this is the first game of this season.

It is easy in retrospect to say 'this was only Miami', but this was a good football team. Certainly in a class with Cincy, Marshall, SD St and BG - all of whom we struggled with the past two years.
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Hey LJB nice write up but I disagee about the d-line.

I think that they played very good today. Pittcock and Green were plugging holes all day. Also with those quick passes it was hard for the d-line to get to the qb, so that is why we brought the rushes.

If you watch on carp's sack Kudla occupied two guys freeing the lane for carp.

I think if they play solid like that, and keep guys off our backers they are going to be just fine.

I tell you guys we can criticize but Miami was no slouch. we really came out and kicked them in the mouth and kicked their ass. I hope Tejas is ready for us, b/c we are ready for thiem.
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Oh8ch said:
6. My favorite formation.

Ginn and Wells wide in the backfield with Holmes, Gonzo and Hall on the line. All the AA DL in the world are not going to help you with that formation. Swap Smith for Zwick and it is downright scary.
I'm pretty sure that's illegal... when the slowest of the 6 is probably still under 4.5, it just ain't right
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Don't have much to add, but regarding the first post, I completely agree that the roughing the kicker should've just been a 5 yard running into the kicker. I was yelling about that one.

And to whoever said we didn't use Gonzalez's speed at all, what about that reverse that went for 10 yards or so?

Overall, I thought we looked good. Zwick earned the start next week IMO and I'm comfortable with my even money bet on the Bucks next week after today's performance.
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I definitely think the D-line is something to be concerned about. As it's been pointed out, there was basically no pass rush with just the front four other than the Kudla sack(I thought Mike played pretty well today). Pressure came from the blitz. Guys like Patterson, Richardson, Barrow, Wilson and the rest of the DEs need to be able to get off blocks better. I'm all for blitzing but a defense is at it's best when it's able to get pressure from the front four.

I know Miami returned a lot of players this year but the Texas offensive line these guys are going to see next Saturday night is better than the Red Hawk unit they faced today.
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BuckNutty said:
I definitely think the D-line is something to be concerned about. As it's been pointed out, there was basically no pass rush with just the front four other than the Kudla sack(I thought Mike played pretty well today). Pressure came from the blitz. Guys like Patterson, Richardson, Barrow, Wilson and the rest of the DEs need to be able to get off blocks better. I'm all for blitzing but a defense is at it's best when it's able to get pressure from the front four.

I know Miami returned a lot of players this year but the Texas offensive line these guys are going to see next Saturday night is better than the Red Hawk unit they faced today.

Ok Nutty I agree with you that I would love to see more pressure, but:

-Kudla was getting some pressure as you say he played pretty well.

-They were keeping guys off the backers for them to make plays. That is what we ask fro out of them.

-I saw Pittcock blow up a couple of runs. They really stopped Miami's run game inside the tackles, by pluggin holes and keeping the guys occupied.

-Richardson had the one hit on Betts when Betts tried to kick him when he got up.

I love the way that the d played and hope that they play consistent like this all year.
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