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Notre Dame Fighting Irish (official thread of bowl failures)

Steve19;1298377; said:
To move back onto topic, where does Notre Dame end up? How many losses this season? If they qualify, what bowl will they go to?
Currently at 4-2.

Sat, Oct 25 at Washington 8:00 pm --
Sat, Nov 1 (23) Pittsburgh 2:30 pm --
Sat, Nov 8 at Boston College TBA --
Sat, Nov 15 at Navy 12:00 pm --
Sat, Nov 22 Syracuse 2:30 pm --
Sat, Nov 29 at (6) USC 8:00 pm --

Washington is a win - back to South Bend hosting Pittsburgh with a 5-2 record, which game they likely lose.
Back on the road at 5-3 to visit Boston College, also a likely loss.
Continue to Navy boasting a barely above 500 5-4 record, where they exact a measure of revenge for last year's debacle in South Bend.
They hit 6-4 - and bowl eligibility and get their last win of the season when sacrificial lamb Syracuse comes to South Bend.
After USC chews them up in LA ND finishes the season 7-5 and makes their way to ...

Sun Bowl.
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sandgk;1298402; said:
Currently at 4-2.

Washington is a win - back to South Bend hosting Pittsburgh with a 5-2 record, which game they likely lose.
Back on the road at 5-3 to visit Boston College, also a likely loss.
Continue to Navy boasting a barely above 500 5-4 record, where they exact a measure of revenge for last year's debacle in South Bend.
They hit 6-4 - and bowl eligibility and get their last win of the season when sacrificial lamb Syracuse comes to South Bend.
After USC chews them up in LA ND finishes the season 7-5 and makes their way to ...

Sun Bowl.

Sun Bowl?

Where Oregon State kicks their ass for the third time this decade. :p
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matcar;1294998; said:
After reading the Rumblings threads and all the other not-so-fun stuff. It's always nice to go back to this thread. It brings such joy.

If Chubbles goes 7-5, is that considered success these days at Ntre Dme? I'm seeing losses to BC, Pitt, and USC on the horizon. And Navy...well ya never know.

Somewhere some putz doubted this. Anything is possible, but Chubba is well on his way to another suckfest of a season. Good job ND...you really got yourself a big fat winner here...
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