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Notre Dame Fighting Irish (official thread of bowl failures)

Steve19;1296053; said:
Chief, take a deep breath and step back.

When Weis came in, he did fine with Willingham's recruits. But Domer fans told us, "Just wait. He'll get his own recruits. Then, we'll be in the national championship hunt every year."

So, we waited. Every year, Charlie Weis bagged one of the top recruiting classes in college football. But Domer fans told us, "Just wait. He's still got Willingham's recruits. We've got great young talent. We'll be in the national championship hunt every year very soon."

So, we waited. And things got worse. But Domer fans told us, "Just wait. Charlie's now got top offensive and defensive coordinators. We've got great young talent. We'll be in the national championship hunt every year very soon."

So, here we are. Things have not improved in any meaningful way. Why argue about it?

Most of Charlie's big time recruits are sophomore's and freshman, if they suck in the next 2 years I will agree with you.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1296119; said:
I'm sure another excuse will present itself by then. :wink2:

I doubt it. He's got at least one more year out of the pickle, a fair drop back passer, before he has to find a new QB. He's got two decent running backs coming back and a very young line on both sides of the ball. Unless Dick Wad finds a QB who can do something besides put the ball on the ground, Ringer decides against going pro and Purdue does a Lazurus number, he will be 5 and 0 and heading to the fat part of his schedule.

Hate to say it, but I look for them to be picked in the top 25 at the start of next season, maybe even sneaking into the top 10. I'm praying for Dick Wad.
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cincibuck;1296148; said:
I doubt it. He's got at least one more year out of the pickle, a fair drop back passer, before he has to find a new QB. He's got two decent running backs coming back and a very young line on both sides of the ball. Unless Dick Wad finds a QB who can do something besides put the ball on the ground, Ringer decides against going pro and Purdue does a Lazurus number, he will be 5 and 0 and heading to the fat part of his schedule.

Hate to say it, but I look for them to be picked in the top 25 at the start of next season, maybe even sneaking into the top 10. I'm praying for Dick Wad.

Awesome :slappy:
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;1296117; said:
Most of Charlie's big time recruits are sophomore's and freshman, if they suck in the next 2 years I will agree with you.
And who is to blame for that?

Three years ago, Charlie lost attractively to SC in the jungle and was rewarded with an outrageously premature contract. They made it to the bcs where they were blitzed by OSU.

They capitalized on that proximity to greatness by reeling in a top 10 recruiting class, with plenty of big names.

If he is without much impact from his 3rd year players, that's on him. That was the class of beanie wells, Percy harvin, Tim Tebow, Sam young. Whether he scouted, developed or schemed them wrong is of little consequence, he had the chance to set a foundation with that strong class.

He's had MORE than enough time to build a base of talent to be a top 20 team. Looks like he just didn't get it done in 06 off the field. He did well enough with the Ty nucleus of talent those two regular seasons (05-06)
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jwinslow;1296326; said:
And who is to blame for that?

Charlie lost attractively to SC in the jungle and was rewarded with an outrageously premature contract. They made it to the bcs where they were blitzed by nd.

They capitalized on that proximity to greatness by reeling in a top 10 recruiting class, with plenty of big names.

If he is without much impact from his 3rd year players, that's on him. That was the class of beanie wells, Percy harvin, Tim Tebow, Sam young. Whether he scouted, developed or schemed them wrong is of little consequence, he had the chance to set a foundation with that strong class.

He's had MORE than enough time to build a base of talent to be a top 20 team. Looks like he just didn't get it done in 06 off the field. He did well enough with the Ty nucleus of talent those two regular seasons (05-06)

The Junior class seems to have no where near the talent of the freshman and sophomores.
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;1296334; said:
The Junior class seems to have no where near the talent of the freshman and sophomores.
That's a statement of reality, not an excuse.

Osu's 02 class was epic. The 03 class was a disaster. The 05 class class was incredibly deep. The 07 class looks to be greatly trumped by the 08 class. OSU has had 3 truly epic recruiting classes if 09 pans out. The others vary quite a bit.

If the 06 class was that underwhelming' then that's on Charlie.
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;1296334; said:
The Junior class seems to have no where near the talent of the freshman and sophomores.

Whose fault is that? We shall see by the end of the season just how great your '07 and '08 recruiting classes are. Bottom line that the only players left over from the Willingham era are the fourth- and fifth-year players...Fat Boy really doesn't have an excuse if Notre Dame doesn't finish the season well.
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Bucky Katt;1296066; said:
I'd say the team is definitely headed in the right direction. The offense is much better and the defense is showing some signs of life. The special teams are still an unbelievable comedy of errors, but other than that, the overall ineptitude from last year is not there.

Certainly not a Top 10 team at this point and probably not Top 25, but they are improving.

They were clearly a top 25 team in Charlie's first year with Willingham's recruits. That was my point, they have not improved from there, as Domers expected. They have improved only on their rock-bottom performance last year.

I'm not trying to bust Chief's chops. My point was only that there is no sense arguing here. We saw the Kool-Aid and we aren't drinking. If someone else wants to drink it, then fine.
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jwinslow;1296341; said:
That's a statement of reality, not an excuse.

Osu's 02 class was epic. The 03 class was a disaster. The 05 class class was incredibly deep. The 07 class looks to be greatly trumped by the 08 class. OSU has had 3 truly epic recruiting classes if 09 pans out. The others vary quite a bit.

If the 06 class was that underwhelming' then that's on Charlie.

Damn straight, our 05 class is so fucking deep, it's...called a class class!!!!!1111!!!!eleventyone!!!!!!

:slappy: :tongue2:
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