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Notre Dame Fighting Irish (official thread of bowl failures)

MililaniBuckeye;1296353; said:
Whose fault is that? We shall see by the end of the season just how great your '07 and '08 recruiting classes are. Bottom line that the only players left over from the Willingham era are the fourth- and fifth-year players...Fat Boy really doesn't have an excuse if Notre Dame doesn't finish the season well.

Why does it have to be someones's fault ??? You know as well as I that some classes just don't live up to expectations. The junior class is just not that strong but I can tell you right not the 08 recruiting class is a gem. Floyd and the TE will be All-Americans.

As for all the Fat Boy comments, not one of you would have the nads to tell him that to his face.
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;1296473; said:
Why does it have to be someones's fault ??? You know as well as I that some classes just don't live up to expectations. The junior class is just not that strong but I can tell you right not the 08 recruiting class is a gem. Floyd and the TE will be All-Americans.

As for all the Fat Boy comments, not one of you would have the nads to tell him that to his face.

Chief, really. As for telling him he's a silly egomaniac that charts his own downfall, why spoil the fun?

It isn't that no one would "have the nads" to tell him he's a fat ass. It's called common courtesy and we're raised with it in Ohio. Anyway, he is the one that looks in the mirror in the morning.
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The facts speak for themselves. Notre Dame coaching has recruited a top ten class every full year that Charlie Weis has coached. It has had far greater talent at its disposal in the last three recruiting classes than Ohio State.

Gee, what could the difference be?

Comparative recruiting classes: Notre Dame and Ohio State (as of today) link

Rivals Rank

2005 Notre Dame #40 Ohio State #12
2006 Notre Dame # 8 Ohio State #12
2007 Notre Dame # 8 Ohio State #15
2008 Notre Dame # 2 Ohio State # 4
2009 Notre Dame #12 Ohio State # 1

Rivals 5*, 4*, 3*

2005 Notre Dame 5* 0, 4* 2, 3*11 Ohio State 5* 1, 4* 9, 3* 6
2006 Notre Dame 5* 2, 4*10, 3*15 Ohio State 5* 2, 4* 8, 3*10
2007 Notre Dame 5* 1, 4*12, 3* 4 Ohio State 5* 0, 4*12, 3* 3
2008 Notre Dame 5* 3, 4*16, 3* 4 Ohio State 5* 4, 4* 9, 3* 7
2009 Notre Dame 5* 1, 4* 8, 3* 3 Ohio State 5* 1, 4*16, 3* 8
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;1296473; said:
The junior class is just not that strong but I can tell you right not the 08 recruiting class is a gem. Floyd and the TE will be All-Americans.

...and how many heismans was jimmy clausen going to win? I think you'd be wise to check yourself before you go prognosticating about how good your players are going to be before they've had a chance to prove it....just sayin'
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BUCKYLE;1296931; said:
I'll tell it to all seven of his [censored]ing chins. [censored] that fat, arrogant [censored]. I'll slap his [censored]ing fat face with a [censored]ing pork chop.

I thought it was a schweine haxe.

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