Hall of Fame
I'm ok with making some compromises for athletes, but it's ridiculous. Serious, selective universities are literally bringing in students who are functionally--if not downright literally--illiterate.
We refused to submit ACT/SAT scores to a CNN request. We did release some in-house testing on them that we do when they enter the university. We did alright--perhaps better than I feared--and most of the players come in with college or upper high school math and reading levels. That being said, there are still a shocking number coming in with reading and math levels in the 3rd to 7th grade levels. One even tested out at 1st grade math levels.
You simply can't tell me that those kids are A) going to benefit from an Ohio State education in any manner and B) are even capable of maintaining eligibility--which supposedly includes "progress towards a degree--in anything approaching a legit manner.
Thinking a little more about this, I do almost agree with the cult in a way. They came down hard on Penn State over the Sandusky/Paterno scandal (and rightfully so!) in a large part because it was easy to do. They knew that the odds of similar scandals being uncovered throughout college football were virtually nil. Conversely, the reason they seem to not want to touch the UNC scandal with a ten foot pole is because deep down they god damned know that this kind of [Mark May] is happening throughout college football and basketball.
It's my understanding that once one looks beyond the revenue sports this isn't a problem. Student-Athletes in the non-revenue sports are coming in at or above normal university admission standards and performing and graduating at levels at or above the normal student. It's solely a football and men's basketball problem.
I wonder if this is primarily due to professional sports using colleges as a farm system, or the influence of television money? My gut tells me it's largely television money driving this bus. I don't believe universities who are admitting these guys benefit directly from the NFL and NBA. Rather, they lose every time a star player leaves before their eligibility is up.