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NIT Championship: #1 Ohio State 92, #2 UMass 85 (final)

Nice win on unfriendly turf. Good things to look forward to for next year after this championship win and a it gives Butler what he wanted, a high note on which to leave the Buckeyes. Least that kid deserves in my opinion - he always played it as a team first, player second.

As for the announcers - did someone give them a Bingo card instead of the Buckeye lineup? They consistently misnamed the player in action, even the player at the free throw line.
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Dang! I was caught up in the game and forgot about all those situations. Still, I bet the number is under 20.

NICE GAME BUCKS!!! Dallas, Turner, OH, KK, and of course Butler all played unbelievable games. UMass brought the house, had the fan support, and shot lights out from 3, but it wasn't enough.
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Exciting game. Great effort by the Buckeyes. Dallas Lauderdale impressed me tonight. Butler, of course, was outstanding.. Kudos to Kufos, took over when he needed to... Hunter played great and Turner looks like the light is completely on.

Congrats Buckeyes!
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Now that Ohio State has won the NIT, I can say this without jinxing it....

If I learned one thing from this tourney it's that Ohio State belonged in the other tourney. No, I don't think this team would have ended up in the Final 4 in the NCAA, but - with the exception of tonights game - the Buckeyes proved to be far and away better than each team they played. Very happy to see them play like they wanted it. Momentum for 2008-09!
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They were a very frustrating team to watch a times this year, but they put it together at the end of the year and were playing some really solid basketball. This should be a real nice springboard for the team next season to return back to the NCAA tournament and hopefully top of the conference. Thank you as well to the seniors who got to go out with a win and a championship!
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