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NIT Championship: #1 Ohio State 92, #2 UMass 85 (final)

Silent Nature;1131490; said:
Anyone here knows where we can find NIT Champions t-shirt for Ohio State?

I want to proudly wear it for the team.

I'm sure the team shop will have some in the next few days.

Great game fun to watch, was a little vervous at halftime, but we really showed what this team is about in the second half.

Get job guys.
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Great win, Buckeyes. I wish you could've played like this for the majority of the season, but you had a good season ending run.

I loved the style tOSU got to play in the NIT. All of the games were fast-paced and high scoring. It makes me loathe Big Ten bball even more (that means you Wisconsin, NW).
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1131557; said:
Great win, Buckeyes. I wish you could've played like this for the majority of the season, but you had a good season ending run.

I loved the style tOSU got to play in the NIT. All of the games were fast-paced and high scoring. It makes me loathe Big Ten bball even more (that means you Wisconsin, NW).

I agree with the comment on pace.....Hindsight is 20/20, but if Thad could change anything from this season, I think he would have opened the game up more.

We played much better offensively when we were in transition games. Our half-court offense really couldn't have been much worse this year.

Good to see them step up in the NIT and hopefully it carries over to next year.
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elliemae;1131518; said:
Congrats Bucks & especially the seniors!:oh:
:io:. Never leave a fellow Buckeye hanging......EVER!!!

Great win tonight by the Buckeyes. I'm really happy for the seniors and glad that this team finally came together this season. Plus we finally broke the state of Ohio's slump in Championships. To the seniors.....thanks for all your hardwork and leadership. To the rest of the guys on the team.....good job of progressing throughout the season and keep up the great hard work.

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Buckeyes Capture NIT Championship

AP Sports Writer
NEW YORK ? A year removed from a loss in the national title game, Ohio State has a championship trophy to carry home. Nevermind that it's from the NIT. Jamar Butler and his buddies couldn't care less.
Butler had 19 points and eight assists in his final college game, leading the Buckeyes to a 92-85 win over Massachusetts on Thursday night and prompting the victory celebration inside Madison Square Garden that they couldn't have last year in Atlanta.
The Buckeyes lost to Florida in the Final Four, but never dwelled on a snub by the NCAA selection committee that kept them from playing for another trip there. They dominated each of their four opponents on the way to New York, then had enough at the end to withstand every run the Minutemen could muster.
"This is continuing a rebuilding of the program," Ohio State coach Thad Matta said. "It feels good after what we went through last season."

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Koufos leads Buckeyes to NIT title
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]GlenOak graduate is named tourney's top player[/FONT]
Friday, April 4, 2008

NEW YORK In a locker room outburst equal parts joy and angst, Jamar Butler finally dropped the charade Ohio State had been playing for nearly three weeks and revealed its main motivating factor for a roughshod run through the NIT.

"This is what happens when you put an NCAA Tournament team in the NIT," Butler yelled, surrounded by his teammates after beating Massachusetts, 92-85, in the title game Thursday night. "Write that down and send that to the committee."

A year removed from a loss in the national championship game, the Buckeyes have a trophy to carry home ? even if it's not the one they had wanted.

"Kind of a sore loser," Coach Thad Matta said, when asked whether he would watch the Final Four this weekend. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I think I'm going to rest."

Butler had 19 points and eight assists in his final college game.

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Buckeyes save best for last

Buckeyes save best for last
OSU shoots 56 percent en route to NIT title
Friday, April 4, 2008 3:07 AM
By Bob Baptist

Kosta Koufos holds up the NIT's most outstanding player award after scoring 22 points in the final.

David Lighty dishes the ball as Massachusetts' Ricky Harris, left, and Dante Milligan close in. Lighty had eight points.

NEW YORK -- In the fewer than 48 hours he had to prepare to play the Ohio State men's basketball team, Massachusetts coach Travis Ford said he watched clips of 10 to 12 OSU games. In none of them were the Buckeyes better than they were in person last night.
"It's one of the best games I've seen them play," Ford said. "I've not seen them shoot the ball quite like that."
Ohio State capped its best stretch of games this season with its best game of that stretch in the National Invitation Tournament championship game. The Buckeyes shot 56 percent from the field and scored 56 points in the second half in a 92-85 victory over Massachusetts in Madison Square Garden.


OSU-UMass box score
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WOW, what a fantastic game...The pace kept me awake past my rather childish early bedtime...

Anyway, I truly am going to miss watching Twiggy and Butler and Hunter next year..those three have developed into some of my favorite players..

I wish them luck in their careers.

I wonder who will pick up my new favorite spots...

I already made a nickname for turner (TurnerOv.... I don't need to finish), similar to what I had for Terwilliger when I wasn't impressed with him early on. but, these spites turned into likes as I knew they would...

With these guys like Lauderdale, Turner, Lighty, and Hill coming back...They will develop into favorites realllll fast I bet...

Did you all see that transition run up the floor with 3-4 fresh/soph players minus butler???

It was so sick, and a great preview to next year.

I wish college ball wasn't over now, I don't enjoy pro much =(
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