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NIT Championship: #1 Ohio State 92, #2 UMass 85 (final)

Yertle;1131342; said:
NICE!!! I don't want to jinx them, but this year the Buckeyes are going to be a rarity in college basketball... They're going to win their last game of the season.

Before tonight we had ONE NCAA title and ONE NIT title, so this is no small feat, consolation tourney or not.

Buckeyes win, 92-85. :bow:
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mross34;1131354; said:
Also, a team in the Big East could win their last game and not make their conference tournament.

Yeah, I figured that out too. I just checked a couple schedules and Rutgers won their last game.

I'm not positive if any of the mid major conferences force you to earn an invitation to their tournaments.

Independents don't have conference tourneys of course so they can win their last game if they aren't invited to either of the national tournaments. North Dakota State was an independent who won their last game. Presbyterian, North Carolina Central, Texas Pan American, Longwood, and Utah Valley St.
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