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Negative Recruiting Tactics and Silent Verbals (split then merged)

Sound worse to whom? Bucknuts and those who didn't like him in the first place?

It's pretty obvious Weis is a guy that doesn't take crap from people in the press, so he certainly isn't going to let some knucklehead misspeak (lie, lie, lie) about Notre Dame's recruiting tactics.
So it sounds OK to ND fans? Arrogance is arrogance, whether it's on your side or not. The arrogance that is on your side is just more tolerable... Again, prove how he's lying. Because Charlie Weis says he is?

I'm sure that if Weis refused comment, the same posters would have been wondering why Tuna Jr. has his piehole shut.
Only ND fans...
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Sound worse to whom? Bucknuts and those who didn't like him in the first place?

It's pretty obvious Weis is a guy that doesn't take crap from people in the press, so he certainly isn't going to let some knucklehead misspeak (lie, lie, lie) about Notre Dame's recruiting tactics.

I'm sure that if Weis refused comment, the same posters would have been wondering why Tuna Jr. has his piehole shut.

uh, no...I think most people understand that 18 year olds aren't the best example of maturity...The coach should be, on the other hand. And he should have just let it go...This just convinces me that the kid has said something that may be true...
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High comedy. Most (if not all) posters have already made up their mind about ND/Weis regardless of what he says. Talk about arrogance...

I find more comedy in the past assertions from Domer fans that ND is above this type of situation...however, now that they are stuck in the middle of the muck they looked down upon, they act as though they would have it no other way.

So which is it?

Talk about arrogance...

If I wanted to be arrogant Domer, I'd simply say 108-62.

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JazzyJeff49 said:
Sound worse to whom? Bucknuts and those who didn't like him in the first place?

It's pretty obvious Weis is a guy that doesn't take crap from people in the press, so he certainly isn't going to let some knucklehead misspeak (lie, lie, lie) about Notre Dame's recruiting tactics.

I'm sure that if Weis refused comment, the same posters would have been wondering why Tuna Jr. has his piehole shut.
now there's a way to go about winning an argument....definitively state what would have happened if Weis didn't respond.

we were talking about arrogance?
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So as a Domer you are able to speak for all "credible fans" then? Typical...

And the Woody Hayes thing is something I would expect from a 3rd grader, but nice try.

EDIT: removed the quote
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