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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

Nebraska has a special program with special fans.

The Huskers' kicker is a FREAK! We don't want to be in a close game at the end with them this season or the next couple of seasons.

There was some talk coming from the Huskers' Locker room after last year's game against OSU that the Buckeyes' DL quit in the second half when Nebraska got its running game going. There were Nebraska players saying that OSU's DL was out of shape and they seemed to hint that OSU may be soft too.

Other than the um game, this is the one I want the most this year.

BTW, I'll be at a HS football game tonight here in Phoenix featuring a QB from Cali who is committed to the Huskers.

Go Bucks!!!
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PhxBuckeye;2199754; said:
Nebraska has a special program with special fans.

The Huskers' kicker is a FREAK! We don't want to be in a close game at the end with them this season or the next couple of seasons.

There was some talk coming from the Huskers' Locker room after last year's game against OSU that the Buckeyes' DL quit in the second half when Nebraska got its running game going. There were Nebraska players saying that OSU's DL was out of shape and they seemed to hint that OSU may be soft too.

Other than the um game, this is the one I want the most this year.

BTW, I'll be at a HS football game tonight here in Phoenix featuring a QB from Cali who is committed to the Huskers.

Go Bucks!!!
I cringed when I read those comments in the press last year and gulped when I read them here. I'm betting those comments will be on the wall in tOSU's locker room all week leading up to our game and will be a particular point of emphaisis for the coaches and team.
Payback is a bitch.
I'll be hoping Nebraska can come to the shoe and figure out a way to win the game, but realistically I'm expecting tOSU to take us out behind the proverbial woodshed and send us packing with our tails between our legs.
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PhxBuckeye;2199754; said:
Nebraska has a special program with special fans.

The Huskers' kicker is a FREAK! We don't want to be in a close game at the end with them this season or the next couple of seasons.

There was some talk coming from the Huskers' Locker room after last year's game against OSU that the Buckeyes' DL quit in the second half when Nebraska got its running game going. There were Nebraska players saying that OSU's DL was out of shape and they seemed to hint that OSU may be soft too.

If history tells us anything, it shows that the Buckeyes have almost no chance of beating Nebraska. Nebraska is undefeated all-time against Ohio State in conference play. I just can't see such a long history of victories ending this year.
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From Huskers.Com:

Doc Tom Retires, will be AD Emeritus

Lincoln - University of Nebraska Athletic Director Tom Osborne today announced his plan to retire Jan. 1, 2013. At 75, Osborne - who retired as Nebraska's head football coach in 1998 and who has led the Husker athletic department for the past five years - will step down as athletic director.

On Jan. 1, 2013, Osborne will become athletic director emeritus. He will continue to be actively involved in Athletic Department operations through July 30, 2013.

"It has been a pleasure and an honor to work in the Athletic Department for the past five years," Osborne said. "I hope that there have been some good things that have been accomplished during that time. I appreciate Chancellor Perlman giving me this opportunity. I've had the privilege of working with some outstanding people in the athletic department and have confidence that the trajectory of the athletic department is very good."

"It's been a privilege to work with Tom," University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chancellor Harvey Perlman said. "The move into the Big Ten could not have happened without Tom's support.

NOTE - Perlman already said that he's interviewed a few people already for the job and is in no hurry. Also said that Doc Tom will have input into who his replacement will be.

That means the pooch won't be screwed this time around, and we won't have this happen again:

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alexhortdog95;2222004; said:
NOTE - Perlman already said that he's interviewed a few people already for the job and is in no hurry. Also said that Doc Tom will have input into who his replacement will be.

Just placating the media with meaningless verbage.

Everyone knows Trev Alberts is just going to make the lateral move from UNO.
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CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Shawn Eichorst is leaving his job as athletic director at scandal-ridden Miami for Nebraska, where he accepted a five-year contract to succeed Tom Osborne and oversee the Cornhuskers' program.

The schools made simultaneous announcements on Thursday, and for Miami, Eichorst's departure comes at a particularly curious time -- both with the Hurricanes set to play Notre Dame in the rekindling of a huge college football rivalry on Saturday, and as the school braces to receive potentially crippling NCAA sanctions sometime in the coming months for compliance violations.

Former Maine athletic director Blake James will become the acting AD at Miami, filling the role that Eichorst held for just under 18 months.

"I am deeply disappointed in Shawn's departure to the University of Nebraska as I thoroughly enjoyed working with him," Miami president Donna Shalala said in a statement. "We wish Shawn and his wonderful family the very best at their new post."

Eichorst's starting salary at Nebraska will be $973,000 annually, believed to be a significant raise over his Miami deal. As a private school, the Hurricanes typically do not release contract information. CONT...
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