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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

I love Chicago.

Fact that nobody cares about but me: During the closing days of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, the mayor of Chicago offered to annex Omaha as a suburb.

Apparently nobody cared about Iowa back then, either. :biggrin:
Also in 1893, this was named America's best beer:


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Yep, Pabst won that blue ribbon at the World's Fair. That was also the event that introduced Ferris Wheels to the world.

And yes, I'm reading a book about that fair right now. I wouldn't ordinarily know this stuff. :biggrin:
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knapplc: Avert your eyes from the rest of this post.

knapplc;2146921; said:
Yep, Pabst won that blue ribbon at the World's Fair. That was also the event that introduced Ferris Wheels to the world.

And yes, I'm reading a book about that fair right now. I wouldn't ordinarily know this stuff. :biggrin:

Folks, THAT is how boring Nebraska is. Reading a book about a World's Fair from 119 years ago is a GOOD diversion from what is considered normalcy.

New state motto:
Nebraska: Don't even go there.
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Bucky Katt;2146925; said:
knapplc: Avert your eyes from the rest of this post.

Folks, THAT is how boring Nebraska is. Reading a book about a World's Fair from 119 years ago is a GOOD diversion from what is considered normalcy.

New state motto:
Nebraska: Don't even go there.

No, no, no. We are not giving up our current (unofficial) motto:

Nebraska: Bring Something To Do

The book I'm reading is The Devil In The White City, about a serial killer preying on fair attendees. It's interesting how ill-equipped we were to deal with people like this guy back then.
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FCollinsBuckeye;2146929; said:
I'm assuming you're reading the Devil and the White City?

Pretty good book - I'm about halfway through, though reading at a snail's pace.

Hah, yes. I didn't know you were reading it, too. It reads like an encyclopedia entry, doesn't it?

I'm almost done, mercifully. It's not the most gripping book I've ever read.
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Gatorubet;2146935; said:
:lol: Yeah. Brain fart. Geographical hazard. We sort of have Jackson on the brain here when I start to type any President named "Andrew".

My hood is directly across the river from the Chalmette Battlefield.

I would guess when you live in the south, you try your best to forget Andrew Johnson's presidency.
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Gatorubet;2146940; said:
So - no H.H. Holmes references then?

The book is really vague about him. Since it's "historic" (based off of newspaper reports, personal correspondence and the like) we never get a really clear picture of Holmes. Maybe it's intentional to keep him an enigma. Whatever the reason, it's just not pulling me in. It's the most non-fiction fiction I've ever read.
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knapplc;2146928; said:
The book I'm reading is The Devil In The White City, about a serial killer preying on fair attendees. It's interesting how ill-equipped we were to deal with people like this guy back then.

Damn, that pretty much ruins the joke. :(

knapplc;2146931; said:
It reads like an encyclopedia entry, doesn't it?

But that validates it again. :biggrin:

If you haven't read them, I highly recommend Caleb Carr's books: The Alienist and The Angel of Darkness. Sounds like a similar premise. Although entirely fictional.
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Bucky Katt;2146948; said:
If you haven't read them, I highly recommend Caleb Carr's books: The Alienist and The Angel of Darkness. Sounds like a similar premise. Although entirely fictional.

I really liked The Alienist. I only just heard about The Angel of Darkness, coincidentally from the same guy who loaned me Devil in the White City.
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