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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

I went back 5 pages and could not discern if this had been posted. I wasn't even sure I was in the right thread for a little bit.


OMAHA, Neb. (AP) Nebraska assistant football coach Ron Brown has been called, among other things, a homophobe and a hater.
He turns the other cheek.

The 55-year-old Brown knows he walks a fine line as a high-profile employee of a taxpayer-funded university. His detractors say he crossed it last month when he attended an Omaha City Council hearing and testified against an anti-discrimination ordinance that extended protections to gay and transgender people.
In Brown's three-minute appearance, he challenged ordinance sponsor Ben Gray and other members to remember that the Bible does not condone homosexuality. He told council members they would be held to ''great accountability for the decision you are making.''
''The question I have for you all is, like Pontius Pilate, what are you going to do with Jesus?'' Brown asked. ''Ultimately, if you don't have a relationship with him, and you don't really have a Bible-believing mentality, really, anything goes... At the end of the day it matters what God thinks most.''

Barbara Baier, a member of the Lincoln Board of Education, wrote to university administrators to request Brown's firing in the wake of his testimony. She noted the university-wide policy not to discriminate based on, among other things, sexual orientation.

Brown - in a decision he said he now regrets - gave Memorial Stadium in Lincoln as his address of record. Baier said some people could have inferred he was representing the university, not just himself, when he appeared before the council. She said Brown's continued employment creates an atmosphere hostile to gay student-athletes.
''He says terrible things about members of my community - citizens of this country, people who have not committed any crimes,'' Baier said. ''He compares gays and lesbians to people who have committed crimes, people who are desiring to go and cause the destruction of the American family, and nothing could be further from the truth.''
Chancellor Harvey Perlman admonished Brown for giving the stadium address, but he said Brown's personal views do not reflect those of the university.

It was not the first time Brown has spoken out against homosexuality, and not the first time people have called for his dismissal for doing so.

Cont'd ...
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WolverineMike;2147073; said:
I went back 5 pages and could not discern if this had been posted. I wasn't even sure I was in the right thread for a little bit.



I suspect this if that receives one comment, that post and all subsequent ones are destined for a split to the poli forum.

I'm choosing not to post my opinion - hopefully we can all do the same and let the story stand alone as relevant to Nebraska football, but not appropriate for comment here in the football forum. :)
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I have loved Ron Brown for years.

That said, Coach Brown's opinions do not reflect those of Nebraska, UNL, or Nebraska fans. If Coach Brown chooses to continue making these statements - and I support his right to say what he believes - I feel it is best that he voluntarily resign his position at UNL Athletics.

I am losing respect for Coach Brown daily. And that saddens me.

EDIT - and THANKS SO MUCH Mike for dropping a huge buzzkill into this thread. Freaking Wolverine fans. Sheesh.
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knapplc;2147083; said:
Ordinarily I wouldn't toss out the "SEC!" stuff, but I'm contractually obligated now that we're in the Big Ten.

EDIT - and THANKS SO MUCH Mike for dropping a huge buzzkill into this thread. Freaking Wolverine fans. Sheesh.

Wow in 2 separate posts today a Husker fan has grown up before my eyes. Care to hop on the Anti-Badger bandwagon and go for the trifecta?:biggrin:
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knapplc;2147083; said:
EDIT - and THANKS SO MUCH Mike for dropping a huge buzzkill into this thread. Freaking Wolverine fans. Sheesh.

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HorseshoeFetish;2147094; said:
Care to hop on the Anti-Badger bandwagon and go for the trifecta?:biggrin:

I don't know. I think coming out as anti-Badger would mean I care enough about the Badgers to form an opinion, wouldn't it? That seems like a lot of wasted effort just for the Badgers.
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No, I remember that. But I also remember a similar game in Ann Arbor, a loss to Northwestern and another ugly loss to South Carolina. Wisconsin is going to have to take a number to garner angst from just last season alone.
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Does this belong here? Maybe not. But it's kinda cool:

Pabst Dispatches 'Beer Man' to Replace College Student's Stolen PBR

After UNL student Jessica Robertson had her PBR robbed from her at knifepoint, Pabst Brewing Company sent over a rep to replace the stolen beer.

Like a real-life Duffman, Rick Birdsell arrived in Lincoln to hand Robertson replacement cases for her and her friends - and even stuck around to have a beer with them. "My parents will be so proud," Robertson told WOWT.
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