On a day where OSU played terribly against a 5-2 team, I’ll take the win. Yeah, UNL got smoked by IU, but they also torched Colorado and were up 28-0 at the half. They really aren’t a terrible team despite last week’s result.
Every team has had games where they incredibly look vulnerable — Oregon vs Idaho, Ped State vs BG, UGA vs Kentucky. Some days you just aren’t that good. We saw it under Tress and OSU almost always found ways to win, we saw it under Urban and they got smoked, we’ve seen it under Day and they’ve usually found a way to win. It’s annoying af and no fun at all when it’s happening, but this isn’t anything we haven’t seen before.
I‘m not pleased, but we’ve seen better OSU teams lose to worse opponents on days like today, so I’m going to put my pitchfork back…….…for now.