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NCAA09 PS3 Big Ten-Pac Ten Dynasty (Official Thread)

All week up until Thursday night at Midnight eastern:
Monday - 9pm eastern until midnight eastern
Tuesday-Thursday: 6pm eastern until midnight eastern.
Friday-Sunday downtime for work -

This should always be the schedule until my baby comes on 4Nov.
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BuckeyeNation27;1263462; said:
who cares about them? [censored] penn state.

BuckeyeNation27;1268418; said:
Slight bump in the road against Oklahoma...but the goal for our team is still alive. [censored] Penn State.

Also, can I get Oklahoma on my schedule every year until I kick their running-up-the-score asses?

BuckeyeNation27;1285185; said:
this league has really [censored]ed with my playcalling. with USF, I used to have confidence in the passing game. I can't pass for [censored] with Temple, so now I'm afraid to pass with USF.

[censored] Temple and [censored] Penn State.

Just thought we should revisit these posts by BuckeyeNation.

As he would say "FUCK Penn State".
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We have advanced to week 9. I will update posts #2 and 3 this evening.

fanaticbuckeye, please check with buckeyemania11 on his PS3 status before playing your Miami game against the CPU.

SparkyOSU;1299693; said:
All week up until Thursday night at Midnight eastern:
Monday - 9pm eastern until midnight eastern
Tuesday-Thursday: 6pm eastern until midnight eastern.
Friday-Sunday downtime for work -

This should always be the schedule until my baby comes on 4Nov.
Sparky. I would rather play tonight if you're available. I can play Thursday night also, but that's my woman's day off, and I should probably spend some time with her. :biggrin:
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fanaticbuckeye, please check with buckeyemania11 on his PS3 status before playing your Miami game against the CPU

he can probably go ahead and play it

I may be able to borrow a ps3 until I get my new one but that wont likely be until saturday or sunday if it happens
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Iron, when are you wanting to advance again? Do you want to wait and see if mania is going to borrow a PS3? I am willing to wait if need be.

On a separate issue, I am out of town next Monday - Thursday and then Friday - Saturday afternoon. So if we get back to the normal schedule it wont really be an issue.
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fanaticbuckeye;1301627; said:
Iron, when are you wanting to advance again? Do you want to wait and see if mania is going to borrow a PS3? I am willing to wait if need be.
Sunday night will be the next advance. The main reason that I advanced to week 9 a day early is because there are 3 human games to get coordinated.

My main issue here is that I will be out of town Friday night through Sunday afternoon. So, 'mania needs to know if he can borrow a PS3 before Friday night, so I can remove his autopilot.

fanaticbuckeye;1301627; said:
On a separate issue, I am out of town next Monday - Thursday and then Friday - Saturday afternoon. So if we get back to the normal schedule it wont really be an issue.
If I stay on schedule, with a Sunday night advance, you'll be able to play your BGSU game before leaving Monday? If so, then yes, your weird ass schedule shouldn't present a problem. Especially since you'll just have to do recruiting for week 11, before you leave again on Thursday.
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