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NCAA09 PS3 Big Ten-Pac Ten Dynasty (Official Thread)

IronBuckI;1295139; said:
Damn WOOD. buckeymania's PS3 goes down and you beat Miami 54-12? You didn't even give him the common courtesy of a reach around. :p

It was a really boring game. I had two pick six's and then they really could not stop the passing attack.

I am glad to hear about Bleed being gone, I was scheduling all my recruits for that week hoping I would be against a computer.
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THEWOOD;1295749; said:
All the games I have played against someone online have been choppy. I thought it was due to me using a wireless connection. Do any of you also use a wireless connection, or do you guys all have it plugged in directly?

I have thought about just buying a long cord and plugging it in for my online games, if it were to make a difference. I honestly can not stand the lag.
I moved my PS3 into the office and plugged it directly into the router. Last night was the first time that I've been disconnected, or had any issues other than minor lag, and I think that was on BN27's side (since he was the one that lost connectivity for 20 minutes). My cord is only 10 or 12 feet long though. Not sure how much loss you get witht the longer cords.
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fanaticbuckeye;1295218; said:
Was the game real choppy for you too? It was driving me insane.

Just some minor stuff, but not alot of choppiness on my end.

THEWOOD;1295749; said:
All the games I have played against someone online have been choppy. I thought it was due to me using a wireless connection. Do any of you also use a wireless connection, or do you guys all have it plugged in directly?

I have thought about just buying a long cord and plugging it in for my online games, if it were to make a difference. I honestly can not stand the lag.

Which wireless are you talking about? While I use a wireless internet connection I have stopped using the wireless controller.

For some reason it always felt my wireless controller felt really lagged playing online games. I just assumed it was lag. Then one time I was charging the controller and played an online game and the controls just felt better and less delayed. Ever since I have kept my controller plugged in to play online games.
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Piney;1295843; said:
...While I use a wireless internet connection I have stopped using the wireless controller.

For some reason it always felt my wireless controller felt really lagged playing online games. I just assumed it was lag. Then one time I was charging the controller and played an online game and the controls just felt better and less delayed. Ever since I have kept my controller plugged in to play online games.
I'm going to have to try that. I know that the first time '27 and I played. He said that the turning point was when he plugged his controller in. My kicks have been adventurous, to say the least, in my online play. I barely cleared the cross bar on one extra point, had two very short and one kind of short kickoff, and bounced a FG in off of the right upright last vs. BN27. My timing on interceptions last night was aweful too. I should have had at least three in the first half, instead of the zero that I had before we got disonnected.
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BN27 is going to be moving all weekend, and he's given me permission to assrape Temple by playing the CPU. According to him, he wasn't going to win anyway, since I was up 27-14, and driving in for another score when we got disconnected, and he had only had one good offensive play in the game up to that point.

I'll make it quick...but there will be no reach around.
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