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NCAA09 PS3 Big Ten-Pac Ten Dynasty (Official Thread)

Sorry guys, I will in a community house and the connection got to bad with 2 other college students using my DSL... I lost my connection 4th quarter... is there a way to hand Basebuck the win? I dont want him to have to sim. he should get it out right...
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SparkyOSU;1294057; said:
Sorry guys, I will in a community house and the connection got to bad with 2 other college students using my DSL... I lost my connection 4th quarter... is there a way to hand Basebuck the win? I dont want him to have to sim. he should get it out right...

It's cool. I finished the game out vs. the CPU like we talked about.
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Since Bleed S&G doesn't have time to play in an online dynasty right now, I went ahead and deleted him from the MAC Dynasty.

Bleed, if you eventually want to get back in. You will be able to pick any of the remaining MAC teams, including BGSUcks.
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IronBuckI;1295109; said:
Since Bleed S&G doesn't have time to play in an online dynasty right now, I went ahead and deleted him from the MAC Dynasty.

Bleed, if you eventually want to get back in. You will be able to pick any of the remaining MAC teams, including BGSUcks.

I just realized that I may have screwed Piney and fanatic by changing the configuration of the dynasty while they were playing their game.
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IronBuckI;1295118; said:
I just realized that I may have screwed Piney and fanatic by changing the configuration of the dynasty while they were playing their game.

After further review, our game saved. What a game it was! 43-41 in triple overtime...

4th QTR 21-21 Under 2 minutes Piney driving and killing time for the win, throws a pick.

Now I am drivinlg under a minute, Jarvis run up the middle and he fumbles with no contact.

We trade TD's until the third OT. Piney scores TD and gets stuffed on the 1 yard line on a pass to his RB ( I think).
My ball, 4th and 5 from 8 or 9, roll left and make Safety commit leaving receiver open, TD Kant Read! 2 Pt conversion good on a rollout pass to TE.

I am such a loser. That was the most fun I have had (save Buckeye games) since high school basketball! Great job Piney.
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fanaticbuckeye;1295136; said:
Your game is showing up just fine. Damn, I would've hated to have been responsible for wiping out that game. 43-41?!!!??!?!

Fuck me that would have sucked.

Damn WOOD. buckeymania's PS3 goes down and you beat Miami 54-12? You didn't even give him the common courtesy of a reach around. :p
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IronBuckI;1295118; said:
I just realized that I may have screwed Piney and fanatic by changing the configuration of the dynasty while they were playing their game.

You are really fucking lucky. I almost shit myself at the thought of losing that game. Even though I lost... it was a great freaking game.

fanaticbuckeye;1295136; said:

After further review, our game saved. What a game it was! 43-41 in triple overtime...

4th QTR 21-21 Under 2 minutes Piney driving and killing time for the win, throws a pick.

Now I am drivinlg under a minute, Jarvis run up the middle and he fumbles with no contact.

We trade TD's until the third OT. Piney scores TD and gets stuffed on the 1 yard line on a pass to his RB ( I think).
My ball, 4th and 5 from 8 or 9, roll left and make Safety commit leaving receiver open, TD Kant Read! 2 Pt conversion good on a rollout pass to TE.

I am such a loser. That was the most fun I have had (save Buckeye games) since high school basketball! Great job Piney.

Let me clarify... it was a pass in the flat and was stopped inches from the endzone. You lucky bastard. :biggrin: And then you get lucky on your 4th and 5 and then your 2 pt conversion.:biggrin:

But that was a great game and had me on the edge of my seat. We would have had to scalp Iron if he ruined it.
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Piney;1295166; said:
Let me clarify... it was a pass in the flat and was stopped inches from the endzone. You lucky bastard. :biggrin: And then you get lucky on your 4th and 5 and then your 2 pt conversion.:biggrin:

But that was a great game and had me on the edge of my seat. We would have had to scalp Iron if he ruined it.
Was the game real choppy for you too? It was driving me insane.
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fanaticbuckeye;1295218; said:
Was the game real choppy for you too? It was driving me insane.

All the games I have played against someone online have been choppy. I thought it was due to me using a wireless connection. Do any of you also use a wireless connection, or do you guys all have it plugged in directly?

I have thought about just buying a long cord and plugging it in for my online games, if it were to make a difference. I honestly can not stand the lag.
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