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NCAA09 PS3 Big Ten-Pac Ten Dynasty (Official Thread)

IronBuckI;1301563; said:
We have advanced to week 9. I will update posts #2 and 3 this evening.

fanaticbuckeye, please check with buckeyemania11 on his PS3 status before playing your Miami game against the CPU.

Sparky. I would rather play tonight if you're available. I can play Thursday night also, but that's my woman's day off, and I should probably spend some time with her. :biggrin:
Same thing as always only I am going to push my start time back as getting home in Cali traffic just is too unpredictable-

630 eastern to 1200 midnight eastern let me know, i will be there.
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BuckeyeNation27;1301675; said:
I better not have missed out on my only 5* because you advanced a day early. If I did....I might suck next year.
If you did, then I'll trade you teams next year. I did just sign 3 2* players for CMU, so you'll definitely have some premo talent coming in for you if we switch. :tongue2:
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Against Wood I just had the right game against what he ran... I went all run and shoot, went 23 of 32 for 250 yards passing but 21 rush for 65 yards. Had the ball 15:30 to 8:30 - that was the way I won. We only had maybe 5 positions each, I had 2 TDs and 2 FGs. The CPU jacked him on a wide open Sideline but his running back wigged out and ran out of bounds costing eventually costing him a for sure 6points. I am not going to say it cost him the game as I ran out the clock on his 30 so I had a shot at a FG at the end...

I will say this was an ugly CPU controlled game.
He had a ton of missed blocks buy his tackles. My DEs had probably a good 15 hurries and knockdowns on his QB.
Then I dropped a wide open ball in the ENDZONE at the end of the half.
1st play of the 3rd quarter I was going deep all the way to open the half so happended the WR I threw to the covering safety decide to run the other way and give me a free 6 points.
My QB was "in the zone" all the second half but was throwing about 6 yards in front and behind my recievers so I had to rely on swings and screen all second half.
4th quarter came the fatal "WTF" moment by the RB.
The casual observer would have thought this game was being played by 2 drunk bums with how sloppy the CPU was handeling its duties.
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Piney;1301776; said:
That is what you get for offering him :biggrin:
He was rated higher than the RB that ended up being a 75 OVR with 98 SPD.

That's one thing that I really like about this version of NCAA Football. Star ratings help, but many of my three star guys are better players than some of my four star guys. You actually have to look at their abilities and try to determine of they're the player for you.
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IronBuckI;1301782; said:
He was rated higher than the RB that ended up being a 75 OVR with 98 SPD.

That's one thing that I really like about this version of NCAA Football. Star ratings help, but many of my three star guys are better players than some of my four star guys. You actually have to look at their abilities and try to determine of they're the player for you.

Athletes, Athletes, Athletes.

You put them where you need them.

For me most athletes = stud DE by their senior year.

And I agree on the "do your homw work". I got a 2* QB offline for Air Force he was a..... c- OVR / b- SPD / c- THP and THA but a d- AWR if I recall correctly turned out to be a 2* because he is a football retard. His awareness is a 57 as a frosh but his skill ratings were 70 OVR / 82 SPD / 79 THP 78 THA. For me that is a 5* equivilant at Air Force being almost as fast as my running backs.

Check the ratings kids - they matter more than the "experts" recruiting ratings. Just like real life :biggrin:
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IronBuckI;1301782; said:
He was rated higher than the RB that ended up being a 75 OVR with 98 SPD.

That's one thing that I really like about this version of NCAA Football. Star ratings help, but many of my three star guys are better players than some of my four star guys. You actually have to look at their abilities and try to determine of they're the player for you.

SparkyOSU;1301790; said:
Check the ratings kids - they matter more than the "experts" recruiting ratings. Just like real life :biggrin:

Great, help everyone else out to understand recruiting. Perfect example, in my Texas Tech online dynasty I have the #1 RB recruit and the #10 RB recruit that love me. The #1 RB is 30th on my recruiting board and is my backup option. The #10 RB is the guy I REALLY REALLY want. Why? #1 RB runs a 4.39, not bad. The #10 RB runs a 4.22 and is A+ in Agility & Acceleration and both are about the same size (6'0 210). So what is wrong with the #10 RB to drop him that low? He has a C+ awareness compared to the A+ awareness of the #1 RB.

Who cares what his awareness rating is if everytime he runs the ball I am controlling him?

Another free example. CB & Safeties. I recruit to how I play defense. If I play more man/zone I look at their ratings, I might go for that 3star CB over the 4star CB if his man/zone rating is much better as alot of recruits will be have a letter or 2 difference.
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SparkyOSU;1301669; said:
Same thing as always only I am going to push my start time back as getting home in Cali traffic just is too unpredictable-

630 eastern to 1200 midnight eastern let me know, i will be there.

IronBuckI;1301677; said:
Sounds good. I'll be on at 6:30 then.

I may have lied. I just stepped outside for my break and it's just too damn nice to be inside playing a video game before it gets dark. I'll be online closer to 8:00 EST.
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