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NCAA09 PS3 Big Ten-Pac Ten Dynasty (Official Thread)

CMU remains unbeaten after what can only be described as a defensive struggle with Toledo. Final score was 27-14, but it was defense that won the game. Two turnovers and a good punt return accounted for 17 of my points.

Sparky set my ass up bigger than shit on his second touchdown, and that's all I can say. I don't want to scout for anyone else that may play him. :tongue2:
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IronBuckI;1302423; said:
CMU remains unbeaten after what can only be described as a defensive struggle with Toledo. Final score was 27-14, but it was defense that won the game. Two turnovers and a good punt return accounted for 17 of my points.

Sparky set my ass up bigger than shit on his second touchdown, and that's all I can say. I don't want to scout for anyone else that may play him. :tongue2:
You're too kind, good sir.:)
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I can't decide if my favorite play against Piney was taking a knee on 3rd down, punting on 3rd down and pinning him inside the 10, or hitting a wide open WR in the ass because he never bothered to turn around to catch the ball.
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We have advance to week 10. Posts #2 and 3 have been updated. Kent State is #6 in the most recent BCS poll, and Central Michigan is #7. Ohio is on the verge of breaking into the top 25 in both the coaches and media polls.
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Taking Illinois lightly was probably not the best idea that I've ever had. I dominated the entire game, but still only won 24-21. It's a good thing that it was a home game. Otherwise, I might not have been able to hold off their late run.
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