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NCAA09 PS3 Big Ten-Pac Ten Dynasty (Official Thread)

fanaticbuckeye;1314902; said:
Recruiting in the MAC league is difficult. Maybe its because I am Kent State and my highest pitch (other than location for some) is good. Even early playing time is low for the majority, which is dumb because my players are rated so poorly.

Oh drat... you should then just give up and let them come to Ohio :wink2: since I know we are after some similar recruits.

But the great thing about Ohio is the amount of 'Great' I have with recruiting. Having Solich gives me some good Coach Exp/Prestige ratings along with Stability. Then throw in Academics & Lifestyle and I got plenty to offer. Heck, even our Fan Base is 'Very Good'.

I am really liking how my recruiting is shaping up. Looks like I should be able to grab about 10 top 500 recruits and me thinks I might have the 1st or 2nd best recruiting class from the MAC. (I have a sneaky feeling CMU might haul in the #1 class)

One good thing though with all the humans in the conference is our Conference Prestige should shoot up over the next year or two.
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It is shaping up to be a pretty decent class. I don't know who anyone else is targeting, or how well they're doing, since I'm only going offer for offer on four recruits and those are a 2* guys. I do have 22 recruits on my board and I either have a commit, or am their current leader for all but four of them.
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THEWOOD;1316819; said:
Iron, sorry I have been on my death bed the last two days....I am not feeling much better today either. I will see if I can play you sometime this evening. If I can I will send you a PM.
Don't worry about tonight. I've got to get to a bar to watch the Browns tonight, and won't be sober enough to play. There are still a few others that aren't finished with their weeks anyway.
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IronBuckI;1317139; said:
Don't worry about tonight. I've got to get to a bar to watch the Browns tonight, and won't be sober enough to play. There are still a few others that aren't finished with their weeks anyway.
I'm beginning to question your commitment to our league. You play drunk :grr:
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This is the tentative schedule for the MAC Dynasty.

Advance to week 13 early Saturday morning or whenever people finish their games and recruiting. Whichever comes first.

Advance to week 14 Tuesday November 10th at 10pm or whenever people finish their games and recruiting. Whichever comes first.

Advance to Championship week Thursday November 13 at 10pm

I don't know if 6 or 7 wins will get a MAC team into a bowl. If not, then we will only have a max of four teams in bowls...making it a quick bowl season. I would like to be finished with the bowls by Thanksgiving.

That will give us the holidays for me to move us through Players leaving and transfers and give everyone time to get recruiting week 1 finished by Monday November 24th at 10pm. Recruiting will advance 1 week per real day no later than 10pm.
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IronBuckI;1317235; said:
I don't know if 6 or 7 wins will get a MAC team into a bowl. If not, then we will only have a max of four teams in bowls...making it a quick bowl season. I would like to be finished with the bowls by Thanksgiving.

Well we only have 4 teams even elgible and Sparky needs to win 2 games to become bowl eligible and probable would need to win all 3 to get a bowl. The problem is Sparky might get simmed over the next week or so since he has a newborn to take care of.
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Piney;1317295; said:
Well we only have 4 teams even elgible and Sparky needs to win 2 games to become bowl eligible and probable would need to win all 3 to get a bowl. The problem is Sparky might get simmed over the next week or so since he has a newborn to take care of.
Yeah, I forgot about Miami being on autopilot and having all human opponents left. Probably end up being a 4-8 record for Miami and possibly Toledo.
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IronBuckI;1317208; said:
You're just trying to keep me out of the championship game. :wink2:
I guess I am not as sneaky with my motives as I thought. I need to take better evil planning classes.

Piney said:
*mental note* Make sure fanatic is drunk next time I play him...

It doesnt much matter. My NCAA strategy was not built for long term success. All my BYU players left and I picked KSU off of 4 skill position players speed and they all have bricks with butter tied to there hands. I will be good for one or two seasons in each league tops.

Besides, I like to be drunk, it makes girls prettier and me much smoother with the ladies, not to mention a fantastic dancer.:groove2:
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