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NCAA09 PS3 Big Ten-Pac Ten Dynasty (Official Thread)

We have NOT advanced to week 12. Based on multiple posts in the Piney Dynasty thread, there were some serious connection issues with the EA servers this weekend. We are just waiting on Ball State and NIU to play their game, and Ball State to get their recruiting done.
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We have advanced to week 12. Posts #2 and 3 have been updated.

Kent State is #2 in the BCS and Central Michigan is #3. Fuck me for not scheduling anyone to play Virginia. They are the current #1 , but still have to play Clemson, Va Tech, and a possible ACC championship game.
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THEWOOD;1314236; said:
Northern is getting no love in the polls...
Yeah. A few players will be getting harder OOC games next season. Anyone can pretty much ask for whatever strength of schedule that they want for season 2. I will be keeping these sliders So plan your requests carefully.
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IronBuckI;1314243; said:
Yeah. A few players will be getting harder OOC games next season. Anyone can pretty much ask for whatever strength of schedule that they want for season 2. I will be keeping these sliders So plan your requests carefully.

Wait... so I can try to beat Ohio State next year 41-14 to upset you? :biggrin:
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IronBuckI;1314503; said:
Only if you want me to cock slap you in our head to head game, like I have the last two times we've played. :biggrin:

Kentucky v SMU - You better be able to slap me around as SMU is pitiful.

CMU v Ohio - You are just lucky I wasn't use to playing as my Bobcats (ask BN how fun it was against my option offense), plus it is one of the lowest ranked MAC teams. That will change with the stellar recruiting class I am pulling in. Just wait til I run my option with a QB with 4.35 speed! Then throw in actually having WRs that can run faster than my TEs. I am just like Ohio State with Pryor, get me now cuz you won't touch me later! :biggrin:
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Recruiting in the MAC league is difficult. Maybe its because I am Kent State and my highest pitch (other than location for some) is good. Even early playing time is low for the majority, which is dumb because my players are rated so poorly.
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