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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

BB73;610490; said:
USC fans will like this opinion.


You Can't Unring the Bell

[SIZE=-2]By Pete Fiutak
[/SIZE]1. You're too late, NCAA. Reggie Bush won the 2005 Heisman. USC won a national title, played in another championship game, and earned all the money it deserved from the BCS appearances over the last three years. Now there's talk of wiping the record books of all of those things if Bush, while still in school, and his family, as has been alleged, took around $100,000 from a sports marketing company.

You're too late.

If someone had caught Bush violating NCAA rules at the time, when he was still eligible, that's one thing, but you can't tag USC retroactively. The games happened. The memories are there. If you want to punish the school in the future by taking away scholarships and bowl eligibility, that's another story, but you can't rewrite history.

What if a former University of Chicago football player had documented proof that Jay Berwanger took $40 from a booster to go buy a suit? Would the 1935 Heisman be taken away and given to Army's Monk Meyer? Of course not. What if we find out ten years from now that three starters off the 2005 Texas national championship team were given a few turkey sandwiches by boosters? Depending on the context, that's an NCAA violation. Should those players be declared ineligible after the fact and should Texas forfeit its title? Please.

If you really, really, want to do some serious reporting and digging, you can probably find a way to take away the national title from anyone who's won it over the last 50+ years. Heismans? Get out your handy dandy notebook and your thinking chair and you can probably find something on most Heisman winners from around 1950 through the early 1980s, when there was out-and-out open bidding for top talent and boosters ran amok.

Reggie, don't give that trophy back and Vince, reject it if he does. USC, don?t give back a dime. NCAA, do a better job next time

There is a very important concept called Statute of Limitations which is seemingly arcane to this author. Which is part of the reason why scUM wasn't penalized for Woodson's transgressions.
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One of Dennis Dodd's lines from the article I posted:

Oh yeah, and there's a double murderer still walking around with his trophy. How is Reggie Bush taking $100,000 worse than that?

It's not worse, obviously. But doing something that makes you inelgible to play college football before winning the Heisman is completely different than doing something blatantly criminal 25 years after winning it. It's all about being eligible to play during the season in which it's awarded.
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BB73;610675; said:
One of Dennis Dodd's lines from the article I posted:

It's not worse, obviously. But doing something that makes you inelgible to play college football before winning the Heisman is completely different than diong something blatantly criminal 25 years after winning it. It's all about being eligible to play during the season in which it's awarded.

Obviously he's an expert trial attorney too then :shake:

He's just pissed because he gets a hard-on for USC and they are the ones in trouble now...his lap-dogness is now obvious.
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ESPN just reported that Watkins, who's name was tossed around when this story originally broke, plans to file suit against Bush in the next few weeks, citing fraud... he alleges that Bush and his family always had their hands out, but never had any intentions of reciprocating...
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My how opinions change when the media darling is under attack.
ehh. it's just $100,000. there are some former michigan players calling that chump change. there is a former oklahoma player wishing he had ruined his college career for more.

lvbuckeye;610781; said:
ESPN just reported that Watkins, who's name was tossed around when this story originally broke, plans to file suit against Bush in the next few weeks, citing fraud... he alleges that Bush and his family always had their hands out, but never had any intentions of reciprocating...
ot: according to one of your messages, you note proper grammar. you may want to correct the quoted passage. i see two mistakes. one mistake is glaring, while the other is slight.
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i hate to say it, but everytime in my lifetime usc has had great teams they always end up in trouble... kinda like lou holtz. all that being said, it seems the media hasnt made this a firestorm, atleast not yet. time will tell and i for one will reserve my judgment.
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methomps;610863; said:
I don't think I'm crazy to say that SC lapdogs don't mention OJ.

Actually I hadn't even thought of the OJ-USC connection when I posted that...I'm not one to blame USC for OJ. I just meant Dodd loves USC (at least the last couple of years), and now he's PO'd that this story won't go away because he loves USC...that was all. Now that you mention that, you could be right.

But he's still a dick.
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OSU_Buckguy;610807; said:
ot: according to one of your messages, you note proper grammar. you may want to correct the quoted passage. i see two mistakes. one mistake is glaring, while the other is slight.
are you referring to the lack of capitalization at the beginning of the sentences or the ellipses? :p
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