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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

ysubuck said:
Wow those are some nice apartments. The closest I ever came to a Penthouse in college was the Penthouse on my coffee table.

I said this earlier, but I'll say it again. During Clarett/Smith-gate there was rampant speculation in the sports media. Espn was running stories on the coach, about the shady characters he dealt with during the YSU days, about the women's b-ball team receiving alleged benefits, former players. The list goes on. The sports media seems to be reporting only what they are hearing about USC. There is very little speculation going on. That's the difference to me.
What some Buckeye fans (not necessarily you) need to realize is that treating USC as badly as they treated OSU isn't going to change anything they did to OSU.
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Daily News

<table align="center" bgcolor="" border="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td>Maualuga sentenced
<!--subtitle--><!--top author info--><table align="center" border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="articleByline"><!-- overline-->BY SCOTT WOLF, Staff Writer</td></tr></tbody></table>5/3
</td></tr></tbody> </table> <table class="articleBody" align="center" border="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td colspan="3" align="center">
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" class="articleBody" align="left">USC linebacker Rey Maualuga was formally sentenced for misdemeanor assault while Trojans coach Pete Carroll lectured his team about avoiding future problems Monday for the beleaguered program.
Maualuga received 100hours of community service, 24 hours of anger management and must attend 26Alcoholics Anonymous meetings after hitting a fellow USC athlete during an off-campus party last Halloween.
He also must formally apologize to the athlete, provide restitution and remain in good academic standing at USC.
"If he completes the terms and conditions and there are new charges within one year, we will dismiss the charges," said Frank Mateljan, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles City Attorney's office.
According to sources, Maualuga escaped another controversy earlier this semester when police spoke to him on the street across from an off-campus bar for urinating in public. Police decided not to make an arrest.
Maualuga's alcoholics anonymous meetings follow last week's revelation that quarterback Mark Sanchez used an illegal ID to enter an off-campus bar the night before he was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a female USC student.
Carroll spoke about drinking to the Trojans but said it's always been a standard topic in team meetings.
Monday's meeting was required by USC athletic director Mike Garrett, who put out a memo asking coaches of all sports to meet with athletes regarding behavioral issues.
"It was time, anyways," Carroll said. "We have to take care of one another. The message hasn't changed. There's no doubt they were more tuned in."
Sources said Carroll singled out Maualuga to keep his composure and also told the Trojans not to let teammates drive if they are drunk. But maybe in a rallying cry in lieu of recent events, Carroll also cautioned players to behave because there are people out to get the program.
Carroll also said the Trojans must now provide copies of rental and leasing agreements stemming from the controversy surrounding former quarterback Matt Leinart and wide receiver Dwayne Jarrett's living situation at an upscale downtown apartment. Leinart's father, Bob, paid approximately $2,800 while Matt Leinart and Jarrett each paid $650 per month.
USC's compliance office is reviewing the arrangement to determine if Jarrett received an extra benefit. Leinart's dad said Jarrett might have to pay $10,000 if its determine rules were violated. The pair lived at the Medici apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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Daily News


<table align="center" bgcolor="" border="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td>Student may be witness
<!--subtitle--><!--top author info--><table align="center" border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="articleByline"><!-- overline-->BY SCOTT WOLF, Staff Writer</td></tr></tbody></table>
</td></tr></tbody> </table> <table class="articleBody" align="center" border="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td colspan="3" align="center">
</td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" class="articleBody" align="left">A USC student emerged as a possible witness in the sexual-assault case involving quarterback Mark Sanchez, according to sources close to the investigation.
The student, who has not been identified, was in the Cardinal Gardens apartment the night of the alleged assault, sources said, and could provide important information regarding the incident.
The only confirmed witness in the apartment was Sanchez's roommate, linebacker Brian Cushing. But sources said he told police he was asleep. Cushing was initially arrested then released by police.
The alleged victim, also a USC student, lives in the same apartment complex and met Sanchez sometime after 1:30a.m. last Thursday morning, when friends dropped him off after spending the night at an off-campus bar.
Sanchez, 19, is currently allowed to take final exams at USC although he was placed on "interim suspension" by the student-affairs office.
Bush update: The attorney for two men who accused tailback Reggie Bush and his family of defrauding them of $300,000 said his clients are scheduled to meet with the NCAA to discuss details of the alleged business arrangement.
The NCAA is sending an investigator to San Diego to look into the controversy and will interview Michael Michaels and Lloyd Lake, the two principals who started New Era Sports, a sports-marketing agency that hoped to feature Bush as a client.
That increases the scope of the case because previously only the Pacific-10 Conference was involved in the investigation.
Bush's parents lived in a $757,000 home outside San Diego that was owned by Michaels but did not pay rent, according to Michaels.
"They did contact us, we're scheduling a time," said Brian Watkins, an attorney representing both men. "We're supposed to touch base tomorrow and get it scheduled."
Michaels also claims he paid $28,000 to settle debts held by Bush's parents, according to Watkins. The lawyer also said claims by Bush that he did not know how his parents financed their new house are "preposterous."
Bush told USC officials last week he was unaware of his parents' living arrangement. Even if he did not know, it might not matter when determining if NCAA rules were broken.
"The big issues are going to be No. 1, did he or his family receive any type of benefit that was motivated by his playing ability? They'll first go down that route," said an NCAA source familiar with compliance issues. "He or his family cannot profit from his potential future. Any deal with an agent or for marketing later, if the benefits were given to his parents, would be a violation of amateurism rules."
</td></tr></tbody> </table>
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i heard this interview on 1460 the fan a while back when this whole "bushgate" thing first broke out. it was during dan patrick's show when patrick interviewed this lady reporter of some professional athlete agent magazine, who wrote an article on the matter.
i believe she brought to light on the legal issue stemmed from both parties, the new era agency and bush's representatives. i can't recall the detail, but i DID find one of her comment PARTICULARLY interesting.
she iterated that the nature of sport agency business often evokes rumors concerning current pro players and soon-to-be-professional amateur athletes. But, prior to the 05 NFL draft, she said there were just a swarm of rumors surrounding the usc program. She said, and i quote, “i’ve never heard this many rumors on...agents giving benefits to student athletes, all from one program...during my career...” well, these all were just “rumors,” BUT the old saying “where there’s smoke, there may be fire” does have a strong implication to this situation.
I don’t mean to stir the pot. It’s just a very interesting comment, i thought. However, i DO feel for the usc fans. as a loyal buckeye fan, like someone has had mentioned earlier, i was so hesitant to turn on the news or read the newspaper for a span of time. Good luck, and hope things turn out all right.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
osu.edu ROCKS!!!:osu4:
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If scUM players are getting paid whoever is paying them is getting a pretty shitty return on their investment.

That's what I kept saying when the whole Boban Savovic story was coming out.

"This is the guy that we are taking care of?!?!?! HE SUCKS!!!!"

If you're going to pay someone, then get Carmelo Anthony or Adrian Peterson in the program, for crying out loud.
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I just want to say that I really like the way this thread is developing. I agree that it is too early to pass judgment on anybody.

Things do not look good for USC in respect of the issues raised about Bush and his family. This alone could cause them serious problems. We'll see when the NCAA starts talking about what they have found.

I disagree with some posters about the Jarrett affair. I think Matt Lienart's dad sounds like a very credible person but that doesn't change the situation.

Jarrett may very well have received an improper benefit, if Lienart was subsidizing his rent. These kinds of benefits are forbidden because it presents a possibility for coaches to use the financial resources of wealthy parents to help recruit outstanding prospects with promises of outstanding living arrangements. methomps already showed us a great place to live at a much lower price. This was a palace and it is difficult to believe that no one knew this might be a problem, given all the furor over Smith accepting just $500 from a booster.

But what I really admire is the way this discussion has been handled in this thread. We don't all disagree, but it's a great discussion taking place.
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I just want to say that I really like the way this thread is developing. I agree that it is too early to pass judgment on anybody.

Things do not look good for USC in respect of the issues raised about Bush and his family. This alone could cause them serious problems. We'll see when the NCAA starts talking about what they have found.

I disagree with some posters about the Jarrett affair. I think Matt Lienart's dad sounds like a very credible person but that doesn't change the situation.

Jarrett may very well have received an improper benefit, if Lienart was subsidizing his rent. These kinds of benefits are forbidden because it presents a possibility for coaches to use the financial resources of wealthy parents to help recruit outstanding prospects with promises of outstanding living arrangements. methomps already showed us a great place to live at a much lower price. This was a palace and it is difficult to believe that no one knew this might be a problem, given all the furor over Smith accepting just $500 from a booster.

But what I really admire is the way this discussion has been handled in this thread. We don't all disagree, but it's a great discussion taking place.

Spot on. This is what will really cause problems for USC. Petey says he "hopes" Jarrett wont have to sit any games... yeah right Pete... Wake the heck up dude. The fact that Carroll seems oblivious to the fact that this is a MAJOR violation should be a cause of DEEP concern were I the AD. The fact that Jarrett recieved almost 20K in money should be brushed under the carpet according to Carroll's thinking... what a tool
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I just want to say that I really like the way this thread is developing. I agree that it is too early to pass judgment on anybody.

Things do not look good for USC in respect of the issues raised about Bush and his family. This alone could cause them serious problems. We'll see when the NCAA starts talking about what they have found.

I disagree with some posters about the Jarrett affair. I think Matt Lienart's dad sounds like a very credible person but that doesn't change the situation.

Jarrett may very well have received an improper benefit, if Lienart was subsidizing his rent. These kinds of benefits are forbidden because it presents a possibility for coaches to use the financial resources of wealthy parents to help recruit outstanding prospects with promises of outstanding living arrangements. methomps already showed us a great place to live at a much lower price. This was a palace and it is difficult to believe that no one knew this might be a problem, given all the furor over Smith accepting just $500 from a booster.

But what I really admire is the way this discussion has been handled in this thread. We don't all disagree, but it's a great discussion taking place.

Oh fuck off. :biggrin:
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Wasn't Rey Maualuga the one that witnesses claim shouted, "I own the police" on the night of the assault? Yep, he was:


In a related matter, I came across this brief article which compares USC under Carroll to the out of control UMiami teams of the late 90s. Can't say I disagree. Although I applaud the author's foresight--note that the article was written last November, well before all of these other USC problems have come to light.


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