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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

Would that be considered one of those .32 cent handshakes I've heard about? :slappy:
Postal rate increases were approved Wednesday. 8.5% across the board, so the 1st class stamp is going up to 42 cents.

If BFD is only in on the 32 cent handshakes, then he's going to be 10 cents short and won't have enough postage for his letters to home when he tells his family how wonderful his blocking technique has become.
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I heard thew same thing...boosters have been slipping stamped envelopes to him. I hear he actually has the entire Roberto Clemente series.

Some of them may have been self addressed as well. They did that, clearly, only to make it easier from FD.. and is no doubt based on his status as athlete. I've never had any one self address and stamp an envelope when I was in school.
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Some of them may have been self addressed as well. They did that, clearly, only to make it easier from FD.. and is no doubt based on his status as athlete. I've never had any one self address and stamp an envelope when I was in school.

PC had to know about this...no way to claim he was unaware. If the Elvis commemorative series is involved, USC may get the death penalty
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My question is, if Fred is only having to pay .32 cents to mail a letter, then where is he getting the other .05 cents? And if he starts using those .42 cent stamps, then who is going to be responsible for the other .10 cents?

USC is in deep shit if you ask me :biggrin:
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My question is, if Fred is only having to pay .32 cents to mail a letter, then where is he getting the other .05 cents? And if he starts using those .42 cent stamps, then who is going to be responsible for the other .10 cents?
He is...and with change coming back.

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