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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

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Bucklion;1714860; said:
Supposedly they are talking about revoking it...no decision has been made though.

Yeah, I read somewhere that the Heisman committe will meet about taking away Reggie's award. But like USCs wins...it will probably be "vacated" and listed as no winner that year if they indeed strip it.

Could you see them retroactively awarding it to Vince..."Here you go Vince. You deserved it anyway." LOL!
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BB73;1714875; said:
From Reggie Bush's statement today:

If the University decides to appeal, I will continue to cooperate with the NCAA and USC, as I did during the investigation ...

I think the NCAA has a different understanding of the word 'cooperate'.

From page 2 of the NCAA Report:

Both the football and men's basketball cases are incomplete because a number of key witnesses, including the athletes at the center of these allegations, refused to cooperate in whole or in sufficient measure.
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buckeyes_rock;1714906; said:
Yeah, I read somewhere that the Heisman committe will meet about taking away Reggie's award. But like USCs wins...it will probably be "vacated" and listed as no winner that year if they indeed strip it.

Could you see them retroactively awarding it to Vince..."Here you go Vince. You deserved it anyway." LOL!

Vince is already on record as saying he wouldn't take it if it was stripped from Bush.
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BB73;1714875; said:
From Reggie Bush's statement today:

Reggie's quote: If the University decides to appeal, I will continue to cooperate with the NCAA and USC, as I did during the investigation ...

I think the NCAA has a different understanding of the word 'cooperate'.

You didn't read it right, he said he would "cooperate with the NCAA and USC, (the same) as he did during the investigation" which was no cooperation at all. You can interpret this as his saying he won't cooperate with the appeal either. :biggrin:
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BB73;1714911; said:
Vince is already on record as saying he wouldn't take it if it was stripped from Bush.

Then they should re-do the entire ceremony and voting - then hand it too him like they should have done 5 years ago.

Him not having that hardware was highway robbery. Screw the Maxwell and O'Brien, nobody remembers that - the Bronze with the stiffarm though, that goes down as legend.
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coryhulbert;1714934; said:
So does that mean Kiffin will stop throwing scholarships all over the country now or will he still do it and hope he can find 15 kids to sign?

Definetly the latter.

Now they can just go after the best 15 and not worry about signing an extra 10 worthless players. Or so they will say.
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