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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

osugrad21;1714938; said:

First coach to be banned from the NCAA:

Ed Orgeron
John Calipari

Who wins the Izzy Straddlin Award?

Renamed it for you because much like Izzy getting kicked out of GnR, you gotta work at getting banned from the NCAA.

BTW I'm with NFB on this one. Calipari is a lot smarter.
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Jaxbuck;1714972; said:
Lost in all the joy is the implications of this ruling for our friends up north.

When we were kids and you were second in line to the principals office it was never any fun to listen to the first guy get the [censored] beat out of him.

The way the first kid broke the rules and the shit that he did is nothing compared to the second kid.

But I would be lying if I said I'm not worried. The NCAA doesn't seem like they are fucking around now. We should be punished, but please don't take any scholarships or ban us from the postseason if we make it. We are hurting as it is.
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zwem;1714975; said:
The way the first kid broke the rules and the shit that he did is nothing compared to the second kid.

But I would be lying if I said I'm not worried. The NCAA doesn't seem like they are fucking around now. We should be punished, but please don't take any scholarships or ban us from the postseason if we make it. We are hurting as it is.

Yeah, well I never found reminding the principal I didn't do what the first guy did an effective technique but maybe it will work out for you guys. It was my experience that once they go into Dave Kingman paddle swinging mode they are just looking for asses to beat.

Seriously though, if the NCAA takes any scholarships and or issues a post season ban I have to believe they'll can RR but it will add to the already formidable mountain the next guy has to climb.
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I don't see problems for UM. USC tried to stonewall and they are experiencing payback.

One interesting question may be whether the NCAA will still be standing when this probation is over.
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ESPN was on TV while I was at Skyline tonight and I heard Herbstreit defending Pete Carrol and the USC program. He was making the USC program out like they knew nothing about this. Was Pete involved? I do not know. Did they know what was happening? How could they not.

I think I have lost all respect for Kirk.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1714993; said:
ESPN was on TV while I was at Skyline tonight and I heard Herbstreit defending Pete Carrol and the USC program. He was making the USC program out like they knew nothing about this. Was Pete involved? I do not know. Did they know what was happening? How could they not.

I think I have lost all respect for Kirk.
Just now? There is not a bigger usc/sec slurper out there. I've met Herbie, nice guy, but he has zero credibility in my (and many other's) eyes.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1714993; said:
I think I have lost all respect for Kirk.

That's like saying you lost respect for Houston after she did the 100th guy in the gang bang but were ok with it up to #99.

Herbie finding a way to give a good bye fellating to Pete and the USC he blew for the past decade should surprise no one.
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zwem;1714975; said:
The way the first kid broke the rules and the [censored] that he did is nothing compared to the second kid.

But I would be lying if I said I'm not worried. The NCAA doesn't seem like they are [censored]ing around now. We should be punished, but please don't take any scholarships or ban us from the postseason if we make it. We are hurting as it is.

The kinder-gentler NCAA went out the window with the death of Myles Brand. UM did not make the mistake of the cocky driver telling the cop working traffic control that he could not issue a speeding ticket because of who the driver is and knows. Wrong move on USC's part.
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Gatorubet;1714853; said:

Boy, did I eat USC!!!

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