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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation


Boy, did I beat USC!!!
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OhioState001;1714831; said:
Hey Seantrel how is karma treating you?
I'm enjoying this USC punishment like many others but I don't understand this attitude towards Seantrel. Sure he knew there was a possibility of USC sanctions, even though Kiffin told him there wouldn't be, but he still made the decision that he though was best for him. The only thing he's done 'wrong' (as far as I know) is he chose USC over Ohio State... and he has yet to even play a down for them. Just because he chose USC over Ohio State doesn't mean that he is 'due bad karma'.

Maybe I'm missing something from his recruitment... I didn't follow it closely though I knew that it was hotly contested between those two schools. If I am missing something, disregard my semi-rant.
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Bucklion;1714863; said:
So the way I'm understanding this, USC has to vacate the 04 NC game win over OU, not forfeit it...so who is the 2004 National Champion now?

Nobody. To retro-actively give a championship will probably raise far more hell than anything else.

Personally I think it will be the "blank" spot in book.
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From Reggie Bush's statement today:

If the University decides to appeal, I will continue to cooperate with the NCAA and USC, as I did during the investigation ...

I think the NCAA has a different understanding of the word 'cooperate'.
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Gatorubet;1714853; said:

Boy, did I beat USC!!!

Actually, USC didn't have to forfeit wins (which would have given ND the win). USC just had to vacate the wins (which means that they weren't the winner...but doesn't give ND the win).

What does that mean?

That means that when ND played USC--both teams were losers.

Somehow, out of all the things the NCAA did...that one just seems so fitting. :biggrin:
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The BCS has vacated the Orange Bowl win, but won't meet to decide whether to vacate the BCS Title until the appeal process is over.


BCS executive director Bill Hancock issued the statement:

“In accordance with the findings released today by the NCAA, the University of Southern California’s 2005 Orange Bowl game victory has been vacated. We take the integrity of NCAA rules seriously. As a procedural matter, the BCS Presidential Oversight Committee (POC) must meet to formally consider vacating USC’s championship title and the game records. If the POC takes such action, there would be no BCS champion for the 2004-05 season. The POC will meet shortly to discuss this matter.

“In light of USC’s statement that it intends to appeal, we want to make it clear that no action will go into effect until the appeal is heard and decided by the NCAA.”
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BB73;1714895; said:
From Bill Hancock, Executive Director of the BCS:
Channeling the Righteous Brothers
[SIZE=+0]U(sc)'ve lost that winnin' feeling,
Whoa, that winnin' feeling,
[SIZE=+0]U(sc)[/SIZE][SIZE=+0]'ve lost that winnin' feeling,
Now it's gone...gone...gone...wooooooh.[/SIZE]
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