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Yeah I’m ready to say it. This game wildly disappoints in the way it plays. The graphics are great, the traditions of each school is awesome to see but damn this game is very disappointing to play.

How is it the players move more life like in 2014 than they do in this game? I can see a hole open up and hit it but my players just run the fuck into people. It’s not that I’m steering them into people either. In 2014 if there’s a lane I’m hitting the crease easy but nope not this game.
It feels like I’m steering a semi truck even with the most agile players. For example if I hit spin then spin already! Snap and get your head around what’s with the slow spin moves? These are supposed to be elite athletes in their 20s not a drunk out of shape 40 year old.

I can tell their aim was to make it harder. To make momentum a factor, to push the human players with the AI. That’s all well in good, but even on Heisman there should be a major noticeable gap when OSU plays Akron. There’s not though.

Even at home vs Akron I have maybe 1.5 seconds to get rid of the ball? I’m not slowing down the run game with anything less than 7 in the box and when I do that they just run out routes or jet sweeps to the outside.

I know it’s early and I have nearly no experience playing but I was in a dog fight with Akron this morning doing cardio lol… that should never be the case and never has been the case in previous games.

Jonah Booker said it best on X. See below for a good lol.

Feels like they took that page out of Madden, you just seem to get pulled into the defense like gravity is working against you or something. They definitely spent way more time working on the cosmetics of the game than the actual game play and it REALLY shows here.
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As a Dawg fan, I'm absolutely furious

Seems like saving the $600 for a PS5 is looking better and better.
I wonder if this game is going to be available on Steamdeck?

My BOL has one and plays Red Dead and Ghosts of Tsushima...etc on it
That peaked my interest
Good news. The Georgia Bulldogs win another natty after the 2026 season by defeating the undefeated 4 seed Toledo Rockets 31-0.

Final polls
1. Georgia 16-0
2. Toledo 15-1
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