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This game is freaking hard.

Just turned off the game twice vs Sparty due to impending losses. I don’t even remember doing that in the last game.

Few things I’ve noticed finally playing a decent team on the road.

1. Road games are no joke- I had trouble settling the QB down. I couldn’t audible because the play would be wrong, if I did settle the QB down it only took 1-2 bad plays for it to come back, and to me it seemed like a real game in that once it went downhill it went downhill pretty hard. Example is I went for it down 7 in the 4th and didn’t get it. 1 play later I’m down 14.

2. Conditions really impact the game too. It was windy and very rainy when I played and it affected the game. Missed two extra points because of the wind and I had probably 10 dropped passes. The craziest thing though was I had a WR slip and fall during a route. I’ve never had that happen before and I got sacked because of it. Went from being a nice 15+ yard play (had the guy beat on a post) to a 10 yard loss after my guy slipped.

3. The OL protection vs the AI is a complete joke. I was getting sacked 3+ times per game vs Akron/UWM/Marshall and it was much the same vs Sparty.

4. My DL pressure with all these bad asses on the DL is a joke too. Unless I’m controlling they aren’t getting home.

Overall, I guess this will make it more challenging but damn I think they over compensated.
You’re “that guy.”
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