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I wish school being out for summer was a thing after you become a professional. I desperately want to block out a week to only play the game and haven't even got a new console to play it on. For many years after PS2, I only had Xbox consoles and I am more comfortable with the controllers, but it has been so long since I have played that it might not matter. I am likely only going to play CFB, so is there really any real difference on either console?
Damn I know right? I allow my kids to stay awake as long as they can stand it. That’s what the summer is all about as a kid on summer break.

That was the time of my life and I’m sure it’s there’s currently.

As for the differences? I don’t think there’s much but rather just the controller. I’ve been mainly Xbox my life so I’ll just stick to that for muscle memory purposes lol
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For those of you rich people that have been playing, is the side step juke as overpowered as every gameplay video makes it look?
I’ve noticed this. The side step was a problem in a few versions but if I recall it wasn’t that effective in 2014.

Damn I’m so exited for tomorrow though! Have a great day ahead fellas. Got PTO all day, got a soccer tournament for my oldest (she’s a terrific defender), and then I’m going to grill food before ending the day with a few hours of cardio (play while I do cardio).
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Damn I know right? I allow my kids to stay awake as long as they can stand it. That’s what the summer is all about as a kid on summer break.

That was the time of my life and I’m sure it’s there’s currently.

As for the differences? I don’t think there’s much but rather just the controller. I’ve been mainly Xbox my life so I’ll just stick to that for muscle memory purposes lol
I had a blast playing that game with my buddies growing up, or just dynasty mode. I'm so excited for the return, I would show up to GameStop every year the day it was released and it was pure ecstacy to rip off the plastic and get to work. I just wish I had the time to do that now.

I'm going to try out the PS5 version but I'm so used to Xbox it's kind of a tough choice based on the muscle memory like you said. I'm just dying to play it though and time got away from me, but I need to hurry this up because I'm so excited to play it.
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I had a blast playing that game with my buddies growing up, or just dynasty mode. I'm so excited for the return, I would show up to GameStop every year the day it was released and it was pure ecstacy to rip off the plastic and get to work. I just wish I had the time to do that now.

I'm going to try out the PS5 version but I'm so used to Xbox it's kind of a tough choice based on the muscle memory like you said. I'm just dying to play it though and time got away from me, but I need to hurry this up because I'm so excited to play it.
Funny enough… I went to GameStop first today and was told that they have no Xbox systems. Then I went to Best Buy and was told they had no systems.

Wow, all because of this game there’s no systems available here where I live. We were able to order an Xbox we are going to pick up tomorrow through.

Remember the scene from jingle all the way when Arnold asked if they had anymore Turbo Man dolls and the clerks laughed at him? That’s sort of how it went.

I had no clue it was this big. Luckily I got one online 40 miles away so I’ll pick it up tomorrow lol
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Funny enough… I went to GameStop first today and was told that they have no Xbox systems. Then I went to Best Buy and was told they had no systems.

Wow, all because of this game there’s no systems available here where I live. We were able to order an Xbox we are going to pick up tomorrow through.

Remember the scene from jingle all the way when Arnold asked if they had anymore Turbo Man dolls and the clerks laughed at him? That’s sort of how it went.

I had no clue it was this big. Luckily I got one online 40 miles away so I’ll pick it up tomorrow lol
I am in the same boat. Nobody has shit near me.
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Funny enough… I went to GameStop first today and was told that they have no Xbox systems. Then I went to Best Buy and was told they had no systems.

Wow, all because of this game there’s no systems available here where I live. We were able to order an Xbox we are going to pick up tomorrow through.

Remember the scene from jingle all the way when Arnold asked if they had anymore Turbo Man dolls and the clerks laughed at him? That’s sort of how it went.

I had no clue it was this big. Luckily I got one online 40 miles away so I’ll pick it up tomorrow lol
Lol on the Turbo Man analogy, that got a big laugh from me. But bummer you had so much trouble finding a system. I was wondering if I would run into the same problem, I am not in a giant rush so I am fine ordering online and having it shipped, but would be a little concerned on the package getting taken even though that has not happened in my neighborhood to my knowledge. Probably best to pick it up in person.

Did Best Buy or GameStop have sample consoles you could play the game on? I definitely would like to try both before I buy one.
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I'm just not spending $600 for a system and a game.

Call my ass old and washed - that's just too much when I don't have the time anymore to do long deep dives into games like RDR2 or Ghosts of Tsushima
That's what I'm struggling with too... especially for a possibly half baked game.

Game pass alters it mildly, because you can hop on and play some former AAA titles in your free time. But would be a lot easier to stomach at 300ish.
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I have tried to find a Series S and can't even find the 512 GB version.

I don't have the time either, but I am still connected to old online friends from my 35+ Dynasty. That one was fun because we are older and had custom rules against abusing the shit AI in NCAA 14.
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Used to run the shit out of online Dynasty with friends, especially on 11,12 and 13. (14 sucked ass)

There was even a BP league I was in.

I'll ask, is it worth me potentially buying a used PS5 or XboX S?

If so, which one? And follow up, will there be another BP league at some point?
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Used to run the shit out of online Dynasty with friends, especially on 11,12 and 13. (14 sucked ass)

There was even a BP league I was in.

I'll ask, is it worth me potentially buying a used PS5 or XboX S?

If so, which one? And follow up, will there be another BP league at some point?

I would ask around here what everyone is on nowadays. I think Xbox is the preferred system, but I haven't played with these guys in years.
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Played 1 game on a low difficulty as Ohio State v Ohio. Didn't see much that was different outside of FG kicking is retarded and the option is harder to run.

Played a few of weeks as a 3* RB in RTG. Chose Army and finally got in 3 plays in the 3rd game.

1. All Streaks
2. HB toss for 3 yards
3. Blocking on an all slants play where the QB took a sack for holding the ball too long.

They have not improved the sim engine. The first game the Army QB threw for almost 300 yards and 3 TDs against an FCS team.
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Played 2 or so full games so far.

Overall it’s pretty good but a few things.

1. The players move oddly I think. I feel like 2014 the players actually moved more like people do in real life.

2. 100% agree that the decision to invert the controls for the zone read was so stupid and not necessary. This is going to be rough overcoming 20 years of muscle memory.

3. It’s incredibly easy to get pressure with a bull rush

4. The players do act more like real life when it comes to catching the ball. I’ve seen quite a few drops and while it’s annoying that’s how real life would go.
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