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Buckeye fans cannot put him into the game. No such edits are allowed for current or fictitious players.

Which is being sold as an NIL centric thing, when in reality it's an own the ecosystem thing. Roster edits are no more.
well it’s still a stupid thing to opt out lol.

If everyone else is I’m not sure why Jt would.

He gains nothing by holding out unless EA would have rights to his name or something. JT is a good player but he’s not the game changer that has the kind of pull to do this sort of move.
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My brother got the game yesterday and added him.
Well there we go lol.

I’m going to get the game Friday more than likely.

JT opting out actually sort of fucked the defense over in overall rating. Still the best defense in the game but “Tyler Bourne” being rated 82 instead of JT who id guess would’ve been an 88-90 surely would’ve bumped the defense up a few points too.
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I don't have the game and probably wont get the game (BC I have no desire to spend the money on a PS5...etc

But alot of people online are complaining about how hard it is to kick in the game and how they'll miss 2-3 XP or FG's per game.
For those of you who have it or have played it, what's so different/hard about kicking?
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I don't have the game and probably wont get the game (BC I have no desire to spend the money on a PS5...etc

But alot of people online are complaining about how hard it is to kick in the game and how they'll miss 2-3 XP or FG's per game.
For those of you who have it or have played it, what's so different/hard about kicking?
kicking is ridiculously hard.......but it just takes a little bit to figure it out.

first, to kick, you hit X to start the process of the kick.....but keep it held down for power. the trick for extra points is, just tap it.....you don't need any strength to kick it far enough to make the xp.

so the actual difficulty is hard to explain, but easy to experience. here's a video i found which makes you think it's super easy:

here's the problem......when you press X to stop the accuracy, and when you let go of the X to choose your power IS NOT when it actually stops. it feels like it's a full second late. just because. it's wild. eventually you just kind of adjust to pressing it/letting it go really early and hope that you're close.
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Hopefully JTT is added in a future update. I know they said some players opted in late and will be added later. I have no idea if JTT is one of them.

Gameplay wise, holy hell am I happy with this. I even play with the announcers on. I never did that before. I used to always play with music playing. Unfortunately, I have yet to hit a single field goal. They are no joke now.
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Ok I’m giving in and getting an Xbox S and the game Friday. Mainly because that’s how I do cardio on the elliptical and I can’t do 2014 anymore.

I can’t wait.

Question, can I automatically play against people online since I think the game is downloaded to the system?

As for field goals, I normally just sim past that part lol
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I wish school being out for summer was a thing after you become a professional. I desperately want to block out a week to only play the game and haven't even got a new console to play it on. For many years after PS2, I only had Xbox consoles and I am more comfortable with the controllers, but it has been so long since I have played that it might not matter. I am likely only going to play CFB, so is there really any real difference on either console?
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I wish school being out for summer was a thing after you become a professional. I desperately want to block out a week to only play the game and haven't even got a new console to play it on. For many years after PS2, I only had Xbox consoles and I am more comfortable with the controllers, but it has been so long since I have played that it might not matter. I am likely only going to play CFB, so is there really any real difference on either console?
I made that switch recently (Xbox to PS5) and had the same fears - totally unfounded. The controller is almost exactly the same. Your muscle memory (if it persists) will take over.
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I made that switch recently (Xbox to PS5) and had the same fears - totally unfounded. The controller is almost exactly the same. Your muscle memory (if it persists) will take over.
Almost all of my friends have a PS5 that are playing the game, exactly why I asked because it would be more convenient going the PS5 route for me. Maybe I'll give it a quick test run but that's probably what I'll get.
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