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The game play looks exactly the same to me as ‘14, which was exactly the same as the previous however-many-years of games.

Other than superficial bullshit, did they improve anything about what happens when you snap the ball in the game?

Look at some this BS. I am excited for the game, but this only looks like they improved separation between WRs and DBs from NCAA 14.

That long run breaking tackles reminds me of the AI against me in 14.
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This is a long and fun Road to Glory playthrough. The user uses LSU. At around 56:50, he plays Ohio State in the Playoffs at the Orange Bowl. What's interesting is OSU has their all-scarlet uniforms they wore against Penn State a couple years ago.

1 v 1 Ohio State vs. Georgia. OSU has their all-black unis.

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My understanding is that they (EA) doesn't plan to release one of these every year. They don't want to saturate the market with a mediocre product.

I expect this game will receive the requisite updates and patches digitally and they'll be another one in 2-3 years.
you will probably get to pay for those updates, too
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My understanding is that they (EA) doesn't plan to release one of these every year. They don't want to saturate the market with a mediocre product.

I expect this game will receive the requisite updates and patches digitally and they'll be another one in 2-3 years.
This is what the Sims does. They should absolutely do this. Every year updates for sports games is tough. Wrestling games should dobthe same. 2K should follow suit with NBA and WWE. Neither EA or 2K will, but they should.
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It's been awhile since I've played. And boy, I suck now. I'm an interception-throwing machine.

Also, JTT is unfortunately not in the game.
I’m going to get this game when the full release happens at this point.

However, JTT opting out is a real head scratcher to me. Why the eff would he do that? Buckeye fans are just going to put him in the game anyways and on top of that what a missed marketing opportunity.

Also this was your last shot to be in a video game. Your kids down the road would’ve got a kick out of that. Why would anyone opt out?
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However, JTT opting out is a real head scratcher to me. Why the eff would he do that? Buckeye fans are just going to put him in the game anyways and on top of that what a missed marketing opportunity.
Buckeye fans cannot put him into the game. No such edits are allowed for current or fictitious players.

Which is being sold as an NIL centric thing, when in reality it's a own the ecosystem thing. Roster edits are no more.
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