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Fired up Madden 24 for the first time since August, last night. Got a month of EA play for free.

Whatever "changes" and additions are claimed to have been made in NCAA, I won't believe it until I play it. Because if it's anything like the experience I had in Madden last night - I'm out. Won't even bother to miss it.
I have tried to force Madden to fill my football video game void. I get maybe 3 games into the 1st season and can't take it anymore. Such a boring ass game.
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I have tried to force Madden to fill my football video game void. I get maybe 3 games into the 1st season and can't take it anymore. Such a boring ass game.

This is what happens when there is zero competition, EA can just keep rolling out the same crap with the only real "improvements" ever coming in the form of cosmetic features because there is no alternative.

One of the draws of the NCAA game in the past IMO was that it was a completely different game than Madden, and rightfully it should had been.

This is just going to be Madden reskinned with college stuff and recruiting thrown in. Hopefully there's enough backlash and EA actually makes a different game next year, then maybe ill go out and get the console and the game.
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This is what happens when there is zero competition, EA can just keep rolling out the same crap with the only real "improvements" ever coming in the form of cosmetic features because there is no alternative.

One of the draws of the NCAA game in the past IMO was that it was a completely different game than Madden, and rightfully it should had been.

This is just going to be Madden reskinned with college stuff and recruiting thrown in. Hopefully there's enough backlash and EA actually makes a different game next year, then maybe ill go out and get the console and the game.
Gamers are so dumb. Look at this and you won't see much new from NCAA 2014. However, most of the comments are fired up for shit we had 10 years ago on Xbox 360.

Different game, but more evidence. We had this in Fable and GTA: San Andreas.

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