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NCAA and Endzone Celebrations

at the end of milis clip he still had it in his hand but i just cant remember i was going crazy at th egame

i remember two woody quotes on it "act like youve been there before" and "dont act like it's your first time"

they didnt give out free hats this year, before the game it was pom poms and after/late in the game it was M flags sponsored by chevy
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I love the celebrations. Getting the fans pumped; that's what it's all about baby!

I hope they get rid of excessive celebration flags. If you get into that damn endzone, you ran 20 tough yards through 2 dlinemen and 3 linebackers to get there, you get in that endzone and go nuts. You've earned it.

This penalty just takes the ENERGY out of the game. Players get hyped, it makes for a better game, why stem the flow?
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Countless times he's been in the open field running into the endzone and has done a summersault/flip into the endzone, and theirs been a number of times where he's landed on the back of his head/neck. They even put one of his flips into the endzone on the cover of SI. He also did it in the Notre Dame game on one of his 2nd half TD runs...its never been necessary and he gets critisized for it often.
"Countless" means once (another was legit)...

Keep in mind these celebration rules apply to EVERYONE in college football, with the exception of Reggie Bush though.

I will not be surprised if that kid suffers a serious neck injury(I dont hope/wish for it but its something thats very possible).
...and he was flagged for the only one that was unnecessary
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when in the hell does an actual football play require a player to do a SUMMERSAULT into the endzone? If anything that'd give the defense a much easier chance of stopping him.

Its one thing if he JUMPS or DIVES over someone into the endzone, but cmon...doing a summersault 2 feet off the ground is...unncessary. And i've watched him do it quite a few times, never seen him penalized(though im not saying he hasn't cuz obviously I dont watch all the USC games).

The one at Notre Dame, completely unncessary btw.
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I swear to God that everybody involved in the anti-celebration push have totally lost their minds. We as fans get upset when we hear our overpaid-underacheiving "stars" leaving town for more money, and on the way out the door say "it's not about the money" but then refer to the game itself as a "business." But into this philosophy, and in that "business" world maybe celebrating and "showboating is not the thing to do.

In "my" sports world, the game itself is fun. It's fun to watch. It gives me a chance for maybe as little as 3 hours a week to forget about the stresses of daily life, and enjoy something I love. It's even played by people that I perceive to be having fun. Ask any player on the TOSU roster why they chose to be football players, and probaably every one will say, "because it's fun." From the first time I saw Elmo Wright do his dance over 30 years ago, I really liked the endzone celebrations. Obviously over the years they've gotten more creative, rehearsed, whatever you want to call it. My question to any of you out there is "who cares." What is offensive about the celebration dances and actions. ITS A GODDAMN FOOTBALL GAME PEOPLE!!
In the realm of things that really matter, it means NOTHING. You want to see something offensive? Go back and view some clips of the low lifes in Afhganistan and Iraq celebrating and hugging in the streets on 9/11 as our towers fell to the ground. Reletively speaking, watching an athlete jump into the stands, do a choreographed dance in the endzone, or otherwise "dis" his opponent during a football game seems quite trivial to me.
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I'm still pissed they called a penalty on Neal Colzie after he returned a pick inside the 10 at the 1975 Rose Bowl. It was a huge play, and he threw the ball down before celebrating with teammates. It wasn't a blatant, showy spike, but they called delay of game on him. Like the game was going to be delayed if it took 5 seconds to get the ball, when the teams had to change anyway due to the turnover.

The Buckeyes didn't get the TD, and lost the game 18-17, when a win would have resulted in an NC in the UPI poll, since Oklahoma was on probation.

I see a trend were officials with their calls are increasingly determining the outcome of games. The best official is one at that you do not notice at the end of the game. Some of the calls this year have been ridiculous: Holmes TD at Scum, Ginn kick return called back because of a legal block 25-30 yards behind the play (I forget who was the opponent) and more recently Texas Tech's phantom TD against Oklahoma (I don't know how the official called it a TD when he was blocked out of the play), etc.
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Magua said:
when in the hell does an actual football play require a player to do a SUMMERSAULT into the endzone? If anything that'd give the defense a much easier chance of stopping him.

Its one thing if he JUMPS or DIVES over someone into the endzone, but cmon...doing a summersault 2 feet off the ground is...unncessary. And i've watched him do it quite a few times, never seen him penalized(though im not saying he hasn't cuz obviously I dont watch all the USC games).

The one at Notre Dame, completely unncessary btw.
i believe ortege jenkins flip was necessary. (maybe one of the most spectacular plays ever)
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I hate celebration penalties in NCAA. I feel it's the pros (NFL...professionals) that should be the ones not allowed to celebrate, but rather, act professional. While I feel college, amateur kids should be able to just go crazy and have fun.

I don't mean anything that degrades the opponent or glamourizes the individual, but I hate seeing a whole team come and dog-pile a player during a huge game/play, and then seeing a yellow flag fly. I hate that players can't celebrate with fans. It's college! These are college kids, let them have fun. I can't even imagine the excitement of scoring a touchdown, and I know for damn sure I would go nuts, want to throw/spike the ball down and then just jump around with my teammates.
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Sorry, I should have made it clear in my previous posts that...personally I really dont care if they celebrate, especially in college.

Its like...you just scored a touchdown for YOUR college, YOUR team, your FAMILY. You aren't getting paid to play there, yet the university is making MILLIONS off of the touchdowns YOU are scoring. I think in college they should be able to celebrate(but only to a certain extent I feel).

I just think in today's game their is no drawn line that players can/cannot cross. For instance, Santonio Holmes diving PAST a defender into the endzone(not even flashing or showboating, just diving for the goal line as defenders pursue)...he gets flagged and Reggie Summersault Bush does not.

Bush himself, along with Carrol have even stated that Reggie shouldn't do his summersaults...his defense is he continuously gets caught up in the moment(which is understandable) and instinctively does it. I think he SHOULD be allowed to do that, but with the current rules, he ISNT.
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This penalty just takes the ENERGY out of the game. Players get hyped, it makes for a better game, why stem the flow?

Because it's fucking stupid, that's why. You don't "earn" the right to act pompous just because you score a TD or make a big play...that's your job. There's a huge difference between an emotional, spotaneous action of elation and a purposeful, premediated act of classless one-upsmanship.
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I swear to God that everybody involved in the anti-celebration push have totally lost their minds. We as fans get upset when we hear our overpaid-underacheiving "stars" leaving town for more money, and on the way out the door say "it's not about the money" but then refer to the game itself as a "business." But into this philosophy, and in that "business" world maybe celebrating and "showboating is not the thing to do.

In "my" sports world, the game itself is fun. It's fun to watch. It gives me a chance for maybe as little as 3 hours a week to forget about the stresses of daily life, and enjoy something I love. It's even played by people that I perceive to be having fun. Ask any player on the TOSU roster why they chose to be football players, and probaably every one will say, "because it's fun." From the first time I saw Elmo Wright do his dance over 30 years ago, I really liked the endzone celebrations. Obviously over the years they've gotten more creative, rehearsed, whatever you want to call it. My question to any of you out there is "who cares." What is offensive about the celebration dances and actions. ITS A GODDAMN FOOTBALL GAME PEOPLE!!
In the realm of things that really matter, it means NOTHING. You want to see something offensive? Go back and view some clips of the low lifes in Afhganistan and Iraq celebrating and hugging in the streets on 9/11 as our towers fell to the ground. Reletively speaking, watching an athlete jump into the stands, do a choreographed dance in the endzone, or otherwise "dis" his opponent during a football game seems quite trivial to me.

So is watching sports at all... trivial by way of comparison... so what?

My problem with these celebrations isn't some kind of detracts from the game sort of arguement anyway, If I wanted to watch choreographed routines, I'd start sucking more dick. In other words, I just don't like it, and it bugs me and it isn't at all interesting or entertaining (to me) There isn't, in my mind, any reason for it. If a guy scores an important TD, by all means I'd expect him to get fired up, but when a guy scores a routine TD in a blow out, spare me the bullshit.
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well, the way i see it is

leave little stuff like diving into the endzone alone, calling such things is just a waste of time, but if there is a MAJOR celebration (ie: flippin' off the crowd), then it should be called, but i see the idea in general of penalizing endzone celibrations as a waste of time.
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