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NCAA and Endzone Celebrations

I agree with John Madden that Ladanian Tomlinson has the best celebration in all of football. (Barry Sanders used to(man I miss watching him)) Hand the ball to the ref and go to the sideline. Class is the key component in celebrations, and most of the showboats don't have any.
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I saw that game, and I think the announcers missed it. When he scored in the back left part of the end zone, as his teammates came to join him, one of them kicked the ball that was rolling slowly in the end zone. It looked like it was intentional - I think it was an aTm player.

I also agree that if some guy starts strutting at the ten yard line, penalize him from the spot. If the ball goes to the 25 on plays like that, you can bet the coaches will make it very clear that stuff like that has to stop.

And I blame ESPN for glamorizing the end zone celebrations, just because I can. :wink2:

I'm still pissed they called a penalty on Neal Colzie after he returned a pick inside the 10 at the 1975 Rose Bowl. It was a huge play, and he threw the ball down before celebrating with teammates. It wasn't a blatant, showy spike, but they called delay of game on him. Like the game was going to be delayed if it took 5 seconds to get the ball, when the teams had to change anyway due to the turnover.

The Buckeyes didn't get the TD, and lost the game 18-17, when a win would have resulted in an NC in the UPI poll, since Oklahoma was on probation.

That was during the time when the refs always made sure the Pac 8 had a "fair shot" to win the RB. :wink2:

Heck, remember when the OSU wingback scored in the '69 RB and threw the ball way up into the stands? No flag then.
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Keep in mind these celebration rules apply to EVERYONE in college football, with the exception of Reggie Bush though.

I will not be surprised if that kid suffers a serious neck injury(I dont hope/wish for it but its something thats very possible).
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I dont understand the neck injury comment. Does Bush celebrate by doing a backflip or something?

Countless times he's been in the open field running into the endzone and has done a summersault/flip into the endzone, and theirs been a number of times where he's landed on the back of his head/neck. They even put one of his flips into the endzone on the cover of SI. He also did it in the Notre Dame game on one of his 2nd half TD runs...its never been necessary and he gets critisized for it often.
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To me it does not matter what they do in the endzone as long as it is not taunting the opponent. I don't care what Chad Johnson, TO or anyone else does after they score. If someone or a team has a problem then stop them getting into the endzone. The NFL is a form of entertainment.
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Countless times he's been in the open field running into the endzone and has done a summersault/flip into the endzone, and theirs been a number of times where he's landed on the back of his head/neck. They even put one of his flips into the endzone on the cover of SI. He also did it in the Notre Dame game on one of his 2nd half TD runs...its never been necessary and he gets critisized for it often.

Ah, thanks. Didn't know that.
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sandgk said:
Evidently they have to be bigger than getting the Buckeyes back within striking distance in The Game :(
Exactly what I was thinking. Plays don't get bigger than that. Biggest rivalry in the world. Team is making one of the biggest comebacks in the history of that rivalry. And you are going to step in a throw a flag on something that usually isn't flagged anyway? Common sense is the most important thing when it comes to officiating any sport.
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maybe its just me but... does anyone else find it disturbing the increasing number of rules in FOOTBALL that revolve around peoples "feelings"? newsflash, you SHOULD feel bad if the other team scores a td.

a flag should only be thrown for a non contact act during a LIVE PLAY in extreme situations. turning around running backwards taunting a defender ala david boston for example. not jumping into the endzone. ugh... welcome to the kinder gentler game of football.

personally i subscribe to coach hayes' philosphy, act like youve been there.

did holmes get up and give the ball to the official?

completley agree. i was trying to find that quote but stupid work keeps getting in the way :(. im pretty sure holmes did give the ball to the official. if he didn't im sure he got ripped for it pretty good.
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did holmes get up and give the ball to the official?
I don't believe so. A couple of Buckeye's jumped to him as he was getting up. The ref reached for the flag before Holmes even started to stand up...

Slow motion later revealed that he reached in his pocket for the flag and almost accidentally threw his complimentary michigan hat that was also stuffed in his pocket.
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