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powerlifter;1170434; said:
JC is higher then TP only because he has a year of experience. Which doesn't mean a lot right now,but does up the awareness,which is more essential on NCAA. TP could not play a down and his ratings will be better next season. I think his ratings for a guy that's never played a college down are pretty good personally.

I don't play the game, but it might be interesting to see TP's "stats" against other 5* true freshman QBs.
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Looks like they made Larimore black. That's the second player's race they've screwed up.

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Fucking christ I cannot wait for NCAA 2009.

I just got beat by the biggest cheeser in the world while he was using Oregon.

I was Kansas, and he just kept running around in the backfield, then throwing off of his back fucking foot to any open receiver.

I seriously hope they fix this in 2009.
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Someone explain to me HTF Clausen is one point better than Pryor overall when:


Pryor totally dominates Clausen in four of seven areas (speed, agility, accuracy, and whatever "TRK" means), leads in a fifth (strength), is only two points behind in a sixth ("BTK")...the only area where Clausen clearly leads is awareness, and his 11 point lead there is less then the leads Pryor has in the four areas his dominates. Yet Clausen is the better overall QB.
the same reason i run fake punt pass on first down, fake fg pass on every second down.

it should be noted though that the reason is totally different than why i use fake spike pass if i need the long bomb.
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buckeyemania11;1170814; said:
so who has a PS3?

lets get a online dynasty together

I know Sparky has a PS3. We tried a regular online league last year that failed. People just couldn't get together to play their live games. But an online dynasty would be different because you don't have to play live games each week.

BuffaloBuck;1170819; said:
Until they make the gameplay realistic who cares what kind of bells and whistles it has...or how pretty it is?

The online dynasty is a HUGE bell and whistle. The one reason I love NCAA is because I am a huge sim guy. I would sim 90% of my games and basically just play 1-2 games a year and then the bowl game. I threw most of my time into recruiting and building up small programs (specifically my alma mater, Ohio U.)

Even if the gameplay isn't great the online dynasty would still be huge. You can get 6-12 guys and recruit against them (and that would actually be more fun to me). And then have 3-4 live games for bragging rights and hopefully bowl matchups.
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Piney;1170870; said:
I know Sparky has a PS3. We tried a regular online league last year that failed. People just couldn't get together to play their live games. But an online dynasty would be different because you don't have to play live games each week.

alright, what do you think about doing all MAC teams? I like the idea of having to build a team instead of steping in and being able to dominate right away with upper level teams
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