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They may have been told to cool it down a little my execs. I mean basically calling for Geiger's and Tressel's jobs was a bit far for football analysts to take it. The Bucks make a ton of $$$ for Espn so they don't want to totally piss the Bucks off!
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blufftonbuck said:
They may have been told to cool it down a little my execs. I mean basically calling for Geiger's and Tressel's jobs was a bit far for football analysts to take it. The Bucks make a ton of $$$ for Espn so they don't want to totally piss the Bucks off!
ESPN probably looked at next years schedule and wants to come to the Shoe for the Texas game next year. Corso even said that during the game. Geiger won't let Gameday come to Cbus unless they start cutting us some slack.
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With all due disrespect to MoC, no one was happier about ESPN's trashing of tOSU than Tom Friend. He looked like he was just beaming that his story has been given a little more weight. I hope he burns in hell...:biggrin:
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Did anyone notice during the game yesterday that the entire broadcast revolved around us?
I dont just mean talking about scandal/MoC crap, but the entire broadcast.
I think we saw Okie States bench/coach/mascot/fans only a handful of times all game.
Id be willing to bet there were more shots of the two brothers parents than their coach/bench.
I didnt really mind, but if was an Okie State fan I would have been royally pissed off.
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He also stated that he's sure that Ohio State is educating the athletes about the rules, but when dealing with "16, 17, 18 year old kids you need to keep repeating the message over and over and over again."
Wow, I am sure glad Mark May has all the right answers, like the athletic department at OSU hasnt thought of that one!

Trev was almost gushing about the Ohio State team for next season. He said that they are loaded with talent and they are definitely getting the job done on the field despite all the problems off the field.
Trev is only a puppet, he says exactly what they want him to at ESPN.

May said that the "kids at Ohio State just don't seem to be getting the message as to what the rules are."
Another classic bit of information that I guess all buckeye fans were not aware of.

Unbelievable these two guys can form complete sentences at this point.
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hotrodr123 said:
Well they were supposed to be anonoucers for tonights game which they we not for a least a 5 min section near the end of the 1st half. If I was an OkSU fan I would have been even more pissed. That was when OKSU was moving the ball.

If they want to try to act like Journalist durring there sports night or whatever they can try. But they are not journalist in any way. They only hype stuff that will help them and the ESPN ABC network.

If they were objective they would bring up the questions about MOC credibility in the story. Also that some of the other players claim they were misquoted.

They are nearing the level of Entertainment tonight on journalistic integrity. Plus Herb street, Corso and the other joker are broadcasters not journalist. I don't believe any of them have studied journalism.

hotrodr - I apologize for not turning on the sarcasm font.
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More than likely, part of the plan. "Why, how can you say we were biased? Didn't Mike Tirico defend OSU on the Mike and Mike show. Mind you, I think the Alamo Bowl did have a slightly larger audience.

ESPiN, we recognize the Mutt and Jeff. We will remember. This will not go away!


SCBuck said:
Mike Tirico was just on Mike & Mike. He was asked whether he believed tOSU will fire AG or JT over this. He responded by saying he believes AG and JT do everything they can to prevent this. He went on to say he thought Trev/May's rants last nite were the " the worst things" he 's heard them say. He thought those two were completely wrong to say AG or JT should be fired. It's nice to see someone sticking up for us.
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strohs said:
Did anyone notice during the game yesterday that the entire broadcast revolved around us?
I dont just mean talking about scandal/MoC crap, but the entire broadcast.
I think we saw Okie States bench/coach/mascot/fans only a handful of times all game.
Id be willing to bet there were more shots of the two brothers parents than their coach/bench.
I didnt really mind, but if was an Okie State fan I would have been royally pissed off.
BadaBing BadaBoom
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a few bad apples

now that the holidays have slowed down, Ive been catching up on my reading and came across an interview with herbie.

Herbie said he recieved death threats from buck fans and was told to move out of columbus, hes also considering leaving his radio show.

I don't know about the rest of you but this is straight bullshit herbie has done nothing but speak the truth about our offense and the program. Yes it hurts to hear this about our bucks but to threaten a guys family is cowardly. These are the fans that I'd like to meet in a dark alley and knock sparks out of their ass.

Heres hoping that herbie and his family remain safe and that he remains in columbus doing his show and supporting the bucks like he always has.
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