Actually what's funny is the people who are completely blinded by the Vick-lovefest seemingly don't even read the posts anymore.
The question asked wasn't "Who would you take ahead of Vick to build a team around?"...the question was "With the game on the line, who do you want leading your last drive?"
And yes, I would take McNair and Brunell over Vick in that situation every time...sorry. And the comparisons with Rypien and Humphries and the other journeymen are made by Vick-lovers who want to feel better about themselves...not me. If I want to sell tickets, Vick is probably the league's number one draw. If I want to win a game on the last drive, I'd take 20 other QBs before Vick. You can win a SUper Bowl without a great QB, but if the QB is the guy you've built your francise around, he'd better be able to deliver week in and week out...and Vick has shown no propensity to do that over a course of a season.
I have said many times I don't blame one player for the Falcons not winning more games...but then people use the "win games" argument to annoint Vick an elite QB, right up until they talk about the Falcons losing this year...and then suddenly none of it is his fault. He's never run when he should have thrown, never locked in on Crumpler for 3 quarters, never carried the ball like he was begging to fumble it, never thrown a bad's the line, it's the receivers (except Jenkins of course), it's Dunn, it's the dome...
I don't hate Vick, I hate people (mostly stupid media) with apparently no sense of history saying Vick is the greatest QB ever, that he revolutionized the QB position (sorry, if anyone did that, it was Cunningham), that he should make the Pro Bowl every year, no matter how bad he plays...and that if the team wins, he carried them, but if they lose, he's absolved of blame. That's why Vick is such a contentious issue. People love him, more power to you...but the arguments about how great of a QB he is are not grounded in much reality, in my opinion.