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Michigan at OHIO STATE

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;660604; said:
For the record, as I explained in last year's Game vBet thread, I cannot bet on Ohio State or Ohio State WILL lose. Thus, I am forced to not bet. Sometimes it sucks being me.

Does it work if you give someone your v-cash. Bet it and then give you the winnings?
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Here are a couple different vBet ideas for Ohio State - Michigan:

1. Bet on winning margin of the game:

Michigan to win by 1-5..........8
Michigan to win by 6-10.......11
Michigan to win by 11-15.....16
Michigan to win by 16-20......25
Michigan to win by 21-25.......40
Michigan to win by 26-30.......66
Michigan to win by 31-35.......75
Michigan to win by 36-40.......80
Michigan to win by 41-45........99
Michigan to win by 46+..........125

Ohio State to win by 1-5..........4
Ohio State to win by 6-10.......2.5
Ohio State to win by 11-15.......4
Ohio State to win by 16-20........6
Ohio State to win by 21-25.......8
Ohio State to win by 26-30......11
Ohio State to win by 31-35......16
Ohio State to win by 36-40.......33
Ohio State to win by 41-45.......40
Ohio State to win by 46+..........50

http://www.sportsinteraction.com/sp...tTypeID=31&showMain=true&bType=Winning Margin

2. Ohio State - Michigan rematch in BCS Championship game:

Michigan v Ohio State: National Championship Rematch?
Closing Date: Nov 18, 2006 13:00 GMT -4

Michigan v Ohio St (rematch) to contest in the National Championship game:

Win Odds: 5

Note: only bet is if you think there will be a rematch.

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