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Michigan at OHIO STATE

I've been slowly buliding up my vBucks all season so I could put ever red cent on the good guys. I don't give a crap if the spread is 30! Every ounce of support I can muster from every aspect of my life is going out to the good guys this Saturday!
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Okinawa's#1Buck;661872; said:
I've been slowly buliding up my vBucks all season so I could put ever red cent on the good guys. I don't give a crap if the spread is 30! Every ounce of support I can muster from every aspect of my life is going out to the good guys this Saturday!
Then why did you put 1418 on Michigan?
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;660514; said:
Fine, disregard the spead. Straight up.

Doesn't this "screw over" the people that bet on "scUM +6.5 points"?

(Just curious) In case Ohio State wins by less than 6.5 points and these people decide to sue you to get their vDollars back, do you know a GOOD lawyer? :biggrin:

Oh well, they were losers anyway for betting on scUM so (I guess) just SCREW them!!!
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