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Michigan at OHIO STATE

ScriptOhio;662084; said:
Doesn't this "screw over" the people that bet on "scUM +6.5 points"?

(Just curious) In case Ohio State wins by less than 6.5 points and these people decide to sue you to get their vDollars back, do you know a GOOD lawyer? :biggrin:

Oh well, they were losers anyway for betting on scUM so (I guess) just SCREW them!!!

yeah, I thought about abandoning the bet and starting over, but when I changed it there was only 1 bet for Mich, and it was 27 who bet simply to keep some streak of his in tact.

Besides, those that bet on Mich haven't paid their 77 bucks (Or even the discounted $49.95)
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;660604; said:
For the record, as I explained in last year's Game vBet thread, I cannot bet on Ohio State or Ohio State WILL lose. Thus, I am forced to not bet. Sometimes it sucks being me.

Ditto. I bet on OSU once this season and that was for BGSU when the covering-streak ended.

What says that we go all in on the scummers? Either we'll be happy & broke bastards or we'll own this fucking place as a consolation prize!
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Bucky Katt;662122; said:
Ditto. I bet on OSU once this season and that was for BGSU when the covering-streak ended.

What says that we go all in on the scummers? Either we'll be happy & broke bastards or we'll own this fucking place as a consolation prize!

I already "own" this place. Remember, most of the people here are me.
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