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Michigan at OHIO STATE

What happend to there not being a spread on THE GAME? IIRC in the past it's always been win or lose. It just wouldn't be right for OSU to win by less than 7 and feel bad because they didn't cover. I motion that the spread be dropped now and forever from THE GAME. Who's with me?
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I like exhawg's idea of a straight-up bet on The Game.
That said, if it comes down to tOSU winning by less than 7 and my vCash getting washed down the vDrain I will feel zero pain (v-type or real). The win will be more than enough.
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MililaniBuckeye;660136; said:
I agree that spread seems a bit high, but if I'm flying in from Hawaii just to see this game, I sure can't be a wuss about a virtual bet. Every single cent on the good guys...

Zurp;660167; said:
All in, bitches. $836,024 on the good guys to cover.

I realize that it is unusual but GPAs' to you both. Zurp, I know its vCash but that's for putting your money where your mouth is.

Mili, that's for realizing a dream and putting all your money where your mouth is.
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exhawg;660173; said:
What happend to there not being a spread on THE GAME? IIRC in the past it's always been win or lose. It just wouldn't be right for OSU to win by less than 7 and feel bad because they didn't cover. I motion that the spread be dropped now and forever from THE GAME. Who's with me?
FWIW, it should be that you "move" that the spread be dropped. Then the "motion" will exist, and others can decide upon that "motion."

Oh well, having said that, I second the motion. I remember we got rid of the spread when we were underdogs, so I like the idea of simply betting on the winner. Especially this year when it's #1 against #2.

Go Bucks!
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I figured I'd better go all in now just to make sure I don't waste 1 more vcent on yahtzee. I'm not too worried about the spread. If both teams play to their potential, we are at least two TD's better than those jokers.

FUCK M*CH*GAN!!!!!!!!!
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