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MichaeLLLLLLLLL "0-9" ‘Bike’ Hart (douchebag)

Well, the injury issues are coming to light. No suprise. Beanie has had similar issues, so what happens? He hardly sees the ball against a team we are walking all over. What does Carr do in a similar situation? Runs Hart 21 times in the 1st half. I don't like Hart, but I can't deny that he's a helluva player. Probably should be the front runner for the heisman, but Carr and DeBord are gonna kill him. Looking to his future, what NFL team is going to want to invest much money on a somewhat undersized back who has taken 4 years worth of beatings in the Big-10? Particularly with how RB heavy next years draft is shaping up to be...
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Teammates say Hart will be ready for Illini

October 16, 2007

Mike Hart's teammates expect him to play this week.
Michigan defensive end Tim Jamison said Hart, the star running back who appeared to hurt his right ankle in the first half Saturday against Purdue, would be on the field for the 24th-ranked Wolverines when they play Saturday night at Illinois.
Offensive tackle Jake Long agreed.
"There's no doubt in my mind he'll play," Long said Monday.

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College football notebook: Even Hart's mother isn't sure son will play against Illinois

Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:52 AM

Associated Press

Mike Hart's mother is as in the loop as anybody can be when it comes to the status of Michigan's star running back.
Like coach Lloyd Carr, though, she isn't sure whether Hart will be healthy enough to play for the 24th-ranked Wolverines against Illinois.
"No one will know until Saturday," Rory Rushlow said yesterday. "I just left Ann Arbor (Tuesday), and he says he's fine and if he's even 80 percent healthy he'll play.
"Hopefully, he'll play. But if he doesn't, I'm sure he'll play the next game."

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ShakerBuck;968697; said:
the more I think about it, the ex-NFL player that I think H20-3 can be best compared to is....Emmitt Smith.

below avg speed, small/compact...tough runner with great balance/vision

The only thing Hart and Emmit have in common are they are both short black guys who played running back at big D1 schools.

Thats it.
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Buckeye86;968700; said:
Emmitt didn't get hurt every game he played in.

I hate H20-3 but i won't question his toughness or his durability. LLLoyd is killing the guy with the workload being put on his shoulders.

And i'm not saying he is on Emmitt's level, just that if I had to compare his skills to somebody, Emmitt is the best match i can think of....better than LT that was thrown around earlier.

and btw...emmitt had his share of injuries....didn't miss a lot of games, but there is a difference b/w the expectations of a student athlete and an NFL player.
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Mother F: Almost 2 whole pages and no
or 'Mike Hart is a Whiner'???

Cot Dam people. Did you see all the guys that backed away from Hart during the Illinois game? He looked like he was trying to 'Coach' (ie: yell at) the young freshmans and they would just walk away... Harts leadership with the team from what I have seen is questionable.
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SparkyOSU;970238; said:
Mother F: Almost 2 whole pages and no
or 'Mike Hart is a Whiner'???

Cot Dam people. Did you see all the guys that backed away from Hart during the Illinois game? He looked like he was trying to 'Coach' (ie: yell at) the young freshmans and they would just walk away... Harts leadership with the team from what I have seen is questionable.

Because of the Illinois game? You are aware we'd be somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5, 2-6 if it weren't for Mike right?
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