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MichaeLLLLLLLLL "0-9" ‘Bike’ Hart (douchebag)

SparkyOSU;970238; said:
Cot Dam people. Did you see all the guys that backed away from Hart during the Illinois game? He looked like he was trying to 'Coach' (ie: yell at) the young freshmans and they would just walk away... Harts leadership with the team from what I have seen is questionable.

I completely disagree. I'd say he and Jake Long are the reason this team isn't 3-4 or 4-3 right now. Besides, shouldn't most of the leadership on offense be coming from the Sr. QB?
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"I was just laughing," Hart said of Michigan State taking the lead. "I thought it was funny. They got excited. Sometimes you get your little brother excited when you're playing basketball, and you let him get the lead, and then you come back and take it back."


It's remarkable how he can completely trash the respect he would otherwise have with his gutsy & talented play.
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Buck Kid 66;982767; said:
Mike Hart has to be the most hated scUM player ever.

I don't know about that but he's up there.

The Ozone nickname for his is The Cyclist. I thought that was funny as hell.

Speaking of which, I think we all saw he's not going to be 100% on that ankle the next two weeks.
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Jaxbuck;982775; said:
Speaking of which, I think we all saw he's not going to be 100% on that ankle the next two weeks.

He is just making an excuse ahead of time, so when we kick his ass, he can run his mouth again.

BTW, how is this guy still in the heisman race? Why not put Stewart, Wells, or McFadden ahead of him? They are actually helping thier teams right now.
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jwinslow;982650; said:
"I was just laughing," Hart said of Michigan State taking the lead. "I thought it was funny. They got excited. Sometimes you get your little brother excited when you're playing basketball, and you let him get the lead, and then you come back and take it back."

That has to be one of the most classless things I have ever seen. It's right up there with his comments about how Levi Brown owes Jake Long money for not going pro. What a total fucking prick.
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Buckeye86;982792; said:
That has to be one of the most classless things I have ever seen. It's right up there with his comments about how Levi Brown owes Jake Long money for not going pro. What a total fucking prick.

Well, he sort of does. Brown was the third best lineman in the conference last year. Even that's debatable.
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Why does Carr continue to make Hart available to the press? It's not like this is the first time Hart has berated an opponent. Hart has been running his mouth for at least a year on various subjects. He's trashed the OSU defense, Levy Brown and Jim Harbough and I'm sure it doesn't stop there. It makes their entire program look bad, even if it's just one player making derogatory comments. It's Carr's job to protect the integrity and image of his program. It would be a small but step in the right direction to ban Hart from the press. It would be even easier now that Hart is seemingly out of the Heisman race.
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Well the season isn't turning out as bad I it looked like it was going to but if I am Jake Long I am still a little bitter about staying. However, this years draft isn't looking like anything spectacular so odds are he'll be drafted right around the same place he would have last year. Henne is a question, he keeps getting hurt, scouts will pay attention to that when deciding whether or not to take him. At this point these guys got to have two things on their minds, November 17th in Ann Arbor and actually winning a bowl game, if not then they came back for nothing.
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