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MichaeLLLLLLLLL "0-9" ‘Bike’ Hart (douchebag)

SNIPER26;982798; said:
Well, he sort of does. Brown was the third best lineman in the conference last year. Even that's debatable.

Actually, if you want to be an asshole about it, Levi Brown owes Ohio State money because they only reason Long came back was to beat us. 1-5.

Regardless of whether it's true or not, Mike Hart is still a fucking prick for saying something like that. Completely classless but completely expected based on Hart's history of being a whining little bitch and all around piece of shit when he has a microphone in front of his face.
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notfadeaway;982809; said:
Heres to coming back for nothing!!!!:oh:

I'll drink to that!

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TGfan06;982789; said:
He is just making an excuse ahead of time, so when we kick his ass, he can run his mouth again.

BTW, how is this guy still in the heisman race? Why not put Stewart, Wells, or McFadden ahead of him? They are actually helping thier teams right now.

I missed the memo that said 100+ yards on 15 carries is hurting your team.
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SNIPER26;982823; said:
I missed the memo that said 100+ yards on 15 carries is hurting your team.

He clearly was talking about the Heisman race. Hart hasn't played for 2 weeks and only had 100ish yds in this one(granted that is a very nice ypc average).

McFadden was penalized in the Heisman race for the same type of thing early, Harts getting it now.

I personally felt Hart was the MVP of CFB earlier this year, that tsun would be 0-fer if he wasn't playing. These last few weeks when tsun has found a way to win without him has really hurt that notion and I think it was they key to him getting heisman consideration.
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TexasBuck;982803; said:
Why does Carr continue to make Hart available to the press? ... It's Carr's job to protect the integrity and image of his program. ...

Lloyd's plumb outta swords to fall on, so he passes gas over to Mike Fart who is a**hole-a-plenty to let things rip!
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Buckeye86;982811; said:
Actually, if you want to be an asshole about it, Levi Brown owes Ohio State money because they only reason Long came back was to beat us. 1-5.

The fact remains that Brown was not even close to being worthy of the top 5 pick as in his own conference, he was behind Long, Thomas and possibly Barton and Boone.

1-5? Jake's been at Michigan for 6 years?
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The fact remains that Brown was not even close to being worthy of the top 5 pick as in his own conference, he was behind Long, Thomas and possibly Barton and Boone.
The fact remains that it's unbelievably classless & immature to take a shot at someone like that, regardless of its accuracy. Same ole Hart.

Also, Barton is not even a first round pick... and boone was not a lock to be one last year.
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SNIPER26;982902; said:
The fact remains that Brown was not even close to being worthy of the top 5 pick as in his own conference, he was behind Long, Thomas and possibly Barton and Boone.

The fact remains that you are completely avoiding the topic at hand. I don't give a shit whether or not Levi Brown was the worst tackle in the country. Mike Hart is a fucking prick for calling him out like that, it was a classless and juvenile thing to do

SNIPER26;982902; said:
1-5? Jake's been at Michigan for 6 years?

Actually that was directed at you to remind you how well your team has been doing in The Game recently.

But if you want to get technical about it, you're right, the correct number I should have put was 0-6, Mike Hart, Jake Long, and Chad Henne's record against Ohio State and in bowl games during their college careers.
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Buckeye86;982908; said:
The fact remains that you are completely avoiding the topic at hand. I don't give a shit whether or not Levi Brown was the worst tackle in the country. Mike Hart is a fucking prick for calling him out like that, it was a classless and juvenile thing to do

Actually that was directed at you to remind you how well your team has been doing in The Game recently.

But if you want to get technical about it, you're right, the correct number I should have put was 0-6, Mike Hart, Jake Long, and Chad Henne's record against Ohio State and in bowl games during their college careers.

Ohio State, fine. I put zero stock in bowl games. Massively overrated little buggers (yes, I said the same thing when Michigan was winning them) and one of the things in the way of a playoff. I'd love to see Michigan vs. Ohio State some time in the NC game against each other after having beaten everyone else in a tournament.
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Bleed S & G;982928; said:
As would I.

But anyways, Hart is a helluva gamer.. awesome player.. total douche bag though. Makes it easy to dislike him..

Meh, I really think you guys are over caring about this. I find it amusing and refreshing to see a player speak his actual emotions rather than coach speak. I hate the Cowboys being an Eagles fan but it's fun to see T.O talk sometimes, so yes, I'd say the same if Beanie Wells were running his mouth.
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Bleed S & G;982928; said:
As would I.

But anyways, Hart is a helluva gamer.. awesome player.. total douche bag though. Makes it easy to dislike him..

True, his douche-factor really does make it hard see him in a positive light. He may be one of the best players on the field, but, when he opens his mouth it takes a lot away from that. Fair or not that's the way it is, we've seen that with a lot of athletes, great performance on the field but when they make an ass of themselves on media day which image sticks in your head more?
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I find it amusing and refreshing to see a player speak his actual emotions rather than coach speak.
Sorry, I'm not buying that you'll find it amusing or refreshing if Barton laughs at your team and fans for getting your hopes up then failing like always, and then likens you to a kid brother who you toyed with giving them a temporary lead.

I'm very thankful for Tressel's influence on OSU's less exciting but respectful coachspeak. You can celebrate your lack of sportsmanship and big mouths, I will remain thankful for guys like Archie, Eddie & now Beanie defining OSU's greats.
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